Showing posts with label BlackUniGriffin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BlackUniGriffin. Show all posts

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Social Security Is Not Bankrupt!

(It has taken me hours to assemble this information. And, it will take several more hours to get through all of this material. If I have given you the link to this blog, and you still try to give me nonsense sassy backtalk, it shows you have not even bothered to get through the material, shows your bias, and ignorance, as well as your total lack of self respect.) 
For the LIFE of my, WHY THE HELL is this misbegotten Libertarian propagandist radical right winger talking point spring back to life like a friggin' ZOMBIE?




I could've sworn we settled this stuff a few years ago!

But, hey, un-welcome to the United States of Amnesia! Right?

The land of the un-free, home of the non-brave cowards, the revisionists, and the systematically Pavlovian programmed mindless idiots. 

For the LAST TIME!



Don't you remember all that blow-back in 2012, 2013, and 2014 when all of a sudden people called it out, ALL OVER THE MEDIA?

Because I DO!

I've sat in on conference calls, meetings, and seminars on this very topic, and my brain has no reset button on it...

I'm no mindless robot programmed to just accept anything I hear, or am told... No one, and NOTHING, is off limits!

Remember THIS article tweeted all over Twitter, and on social media? Because I Do.

You, know THIS ONE from Reuters calling out the BULL SHIT of Paul Ryan called "America Is Not Broke"

It also makes mention of FDR's "The New Deal", "The Great Society", and "the social contract", so if you have a High School diploma, or a College degree and you DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT IS, then SHAME ON YOU!

You SHOULD actually have learned and STILL understand ALL OF THAT. But, hey, Google is your friend if you're rusty.

Here's a direct quote from the article (if you haven't klicked n read it yet):

'This may be surprising, given how much we hear about a looming “debt crisis.” But annual budget deficits have fallen by almost two-thirds over the past five years. The total national debt is actually projected to shrink in each of the next three years as a share of the economy.  

Exaggerating our debt does not advance smart fiscal policies. It does, however, undermine the social programs created by the New Deal and the Great Society by making their successes appear hopelessly unaffordable and doomed to failure.  If our debt is out of control, then Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid would seem like unrealistic pipedreams. 

Feeding the hungry, rebuilding our infrastructure and educating our children would sound like nice ideas, but too much for the government to handle.  

That’s where the Republican budget comes in. For the past few years, House Republicans have passed a budget that radically reduces support for healthcare, economic opportunity and a safety net for hard times. By claiming to address an urgent “debt crisis,” it dismantles the social contract that Americans have made with their government for decades.'

Now, moving right along to the propagandist LIES of the MYTHICAL idea that "Social Security is Bankrupt". 

Utter rubbish trash!

It's simple basic math. Let me break it down for you:

You put money in, and then you get money back out... it also gains interest...

All year long, revenue gets generated, and that money gets collected. IT DOES NOT STOP.

I think a lot of the misinformation is due to George W. Bush abusing his Executive Orders as President. he was greedily after trying to raid Social Security which was so bloated with money at the end of Bill Clinton's administration.

Here's an article  (CNN back when they were actually doing journalism & rating driven less punditry) that showed that in 2005 the media was a lot more keen on understanding the matters. In this article it explains how GW Bush kept trying to raid Social Security.

The term "privatizing Social Security" was a code talk meaning a way for banks and bankers to charge fees on THE PEOPLE'S MONEY, for nothing... in other words, a way to legally rob money and dress it up by calling it a "service". It's also a VERY similar scheme like how they got people to believe that Pensions are "a bad idea' and pushed people into "401K" so they could rob YOUR RETIREMENT MONEY blind, or even gamble with it (derivative, naked swap bets, insurance scams, high frequency trading, and fraud investments AKA "toxic assets") .

 I've personally lost count of how many folks I knew lost their retirement either by the end of the 90s, or during GWB's rein.

"Service charges" are just a way of forcing YOU to pay money for NOTHING, and calling it a "fee" or a "service". many of these so-called fees, when dealing with banks or brokers, you can actually refuse to pay in person. You threaten to leave and take your business elsewhere if they don't remove the charge. they will fraudulently try to scare you and call it "insurance" even tho' it's already by law legally insured by the FDIC. You can also threaten to "make a run on the bank" which is scary talk to bankers, because whenever someone closes an account, especially in big corporate banks, it shows their name, and corporate entities often are profit or numbers driven, using what seems like sophisticated graphs, which they use to show to their board of investors, which also is used to make their revenue seem larger to the stock market.

If you STILL HAVE NOT WATCHED the "Frontline"  investigative documentary report "The Retirement Gamble" then WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU???? 



It REALLY puts things into PERSPECTIVE. I suggest you take notes.

And you will SEE and understand JUST HOW BADLY you are BEING LEGALLY ROBBED from your RETIREMENT, and what to do about it!

SO, with THAT out of the way, lets move along, onto the toppic of HOW the propagandist idea of "Social Security is Bankrupt" is BULL SHIT FRAUD!

If you are looking for a brief summation of this in an article form this one here was a popular one from 2012, in particular it was also one I sat through a number of financial & political meetings/calls/conferences of people discussing this.

It's called:

"5 Huge Myths About Social Security"

First of all, let's bring up the topic of FRAUD.
Fraud is basically presenting information as fact or truth, when it actually is false.

There are variations of fraud. In laymen terms there's what's referred to as "half truths".

But, on the legal end of things there's a MAJOR type of fraud which is known as "selective disclosure".

It means to present information about something to make it seem either favorable or unfavorable, but omitting all the information that is against what you are presenting as truth, also to make yourself seem better. Ergo, selecting disclosing SOME information, and withholding other information. A way of telling SOME truth, so as to appear to be truthful, in order to deceptively manipulate circumstancing in your favor, often with investments, money, policy, products, false advertising, etc. It's basically FRAUD.

It's also illegal. And, there's many laws on the books about many of these sorts of frauds.

See also: Malfeasance.

So, in discussing the phony made-up talking points about Social Security being "bankrupt" let's talk about the parts they just LEFT OUT, omitted, and presented as fact.

The idea that Social Security running out of money only would be true if we just suddenly stopped collecting revenue for it. 

These figures DELIBERATELY left THAT OUT. 

Every year, Social Security generates incoming revenue FROM YOU. 

As long as it does this, it will remain SOLVENT. 

However, those whom keep on ringing this Pavlovian bell to their brainwashed base purposely keep that out because they WANT TO DISMANTLE Social Security. They do not want liberty, fairness, justice, or a Republic.

It's basic math.

Now, the program is still somewhat modest, and there's plenty of room for adjusting it.

It also makes money on internist.

Privatizing it would also make it less able to to help the people it is meant to. It's puts MIDDLE MEN into the mix. 

Here are several instances of the actual facts that are easily digestible even for a laymen:

Ronald Reagan

Caught in lies about robbing and duping the American people and trying to rob Social Security:

Think tanks funded by The Koch Brothers For Libertarians to use Propaganda to brainwash people into thinking Social Security is bad for them, and other think tank cooked-up phony fraud:

Simple Math & Facts Solutions (circa. 2015):

The remedy to ignorance (the lack of knowledge about something) is education. 
Educate yourself. Ask questions, and question everything. 

You need to know some other cogent information about WHERE the propagandist think tanks came from that created the farce of the talking points on "a bankrupt social security". It has NOTHING TO DO WITH FACT. It has everything to do with the ideology of Libertarians, especially The Koch Brothers.

This films was incredibly popular when it came out. It's strange that people develop amnesia.

Another aspect to point out is the issue of "tax cuts". Tax cuts for the wealthy under George W Bush actually caused deficits. If you Google search the executive orders that he issues or even 'remarks" or "statements" in those files you can see a long list of his executive orders. It will take you days to read through them all. 

Tax cuts take away from everything that benefits you, and everyone. Everyone has to pay taxes. Libertarians like to beat this drum that taxes are unconstitutional... that's because they're self aggrandized tax cheats and literally have a pro-selfishness & pro-greed ideology. 

It was a popular idea in the 1980s that corporatists and libertarians actually proudly flaunted the idea of selfishness & greed as a good quality for the sake of the markets. There were even films from the 80s which were meant to portray these selfish, self-centered types as the villains they were shown to be in the films, however these individuals actually idolized the villains of the films. 

This ideology was a sophistry/philosophy of greed & selfishness by Ayan Rand which she wrote books about such as "Atlas Shrugged". She also often gave interviews about how she hated Jesus and openly professed her hatred of helping the poor, and disdain for humanitarians. 

This book was often popular with teenagers since it glorifies an "ideology of being an ass hole, selfish jerk". She was, however, a hypocrite and altho' she publicly jeered and mocked social programs, she actually frequently benefited from Social Security benefits via her husband. 

A person whom was the most gungho and avid fundamentalist of this Ayan Rand Libertarian stint of policies that "the market was never wrong" and "the invisible hand of the market" extreme John Locke versions via Ayan Rand fanaticism was none other than Alan Greenspan. 

Alan Greenspan was so smug, and so full of himself and this religious fervor of these Libertarian neoliberalism pro-corporatist pro-privatization  ideologies that he was known to NEVER admit to wrong, ever. 

However, when the markets crashed under GB Bush due to repealing of Glass-Steagall  this fantasy of markets never being wrong, and regulations, and safety nets being unnecessary crashed with it.

When Alan Greenspan admitted he was wrong (because it was his fault) it was MAJOR!

And, 2 more final films that would behoove you to watch:

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Closet Racism & Full On Bigotry: Stupid Shit People on my FB Feed Mindlessly Post 002

Oh, they're BACK at it AGAIN!

This has the facts skewed. Typical staw-man.

Prejudiced against a group of people based JUST on their ethnic, regional, and religious background from a standpoint of blind fear, and hate.

Also, these idiots know NOTHING about what a refugee actually is.

Also, Syed Farook conveniently omitted. The dude was AMERICAN.

There's some speculation that the woman was possibly suffering from a medical condition known as postpartum depression. And YES, women have been known to go pyscho and kill people whom are afflicted with this condition.

The guy that posted this went mental when I tried to address the issue. I thought perhaps he'd unthinkingly made a mistake. So, I wrote to him  explaining that he shouldn't stoop so low as to fall for this sort of thing. Then, I explained why.  I handled it calmly, nicely, politely, and maturely.

What happened after that was him doubling down then changing the subject as tho' to misdirect and dodge the issue.

I still replied explaining the errors of his statements.

First of all Syrians and Saudis are nothing alike. They're nowhere near the same. and, this was obviously a divisive propagandist piece using fear and terror to promote bigotry and hatred. Refugees are victims of terrorist's not terrorists themselves. Its a VERY clear distinction.

The only reason you would somehow lop them together, which makes no sense to anyone else in the world, would be if you were an ignorant bigot that was xenophobic, Islamophobic, racist full of hate and prejudice and not actual facts.

Not only that but the graphic leaves out Farook whom was an American. It's a red herring.

On top of that he throws in these statements about the president which have no corrilation at all unless you were a racist.

Now, if you weren't a racist, you wouldn't have racists ideas, you wouldn't have racists opinions, and you wouldn't do, say, think, or promote racist things. Not only that, but if you WERE NOT a racist and u posted racists things and someone addressed the issue as a friend to question it, you would actually listen, and you would feel bad and sorry.

He still kept dodging the issue, or changing the subject, and claimed I didn;t know what I was talking about.

See... when you do that, I prove what I'm talking about. I had a valid argument & point and he didn't.

So, I refuted everything, gave the proof, made the case and showed him up.

I was still being light about it... and originally, I didn't even want to get involved with this until I saw the comment by another person on this post... So, I know what it's like to be the lone person speaking reason when it's unpopular.

Not only that but this guy had been harassing me since he went out of his way to find me on FB in 2012. At first he was more towards the left, but eventually he started veering right wing over time...

The ironic thing was this was a person I personally knew since high school. and, he was nothing like this then, and seemed smarter then, so it put me off that he would do things without thinking...

and YES, this is a white male. It seems that white males in the USA once they've hit the age of 30 seem to go to the dark side and become sexist, racist, and  its starts subtlety, and they're closet racists, until it bubbles up and they become full on. Some are STILL in denial, where as others start to own up to it.... weird that they never "see the light" and "change their ways".

So, once I called addressed it and I restated the points, and called him out on his inconsistency instead of firing back right away SINCE HE HAD NO VALID POINTS NOR ARGUMENTS AND WAS CLEARLY MAKING A FOOL OVER HIMSELF AND WOULDN'T ADMIT WRONG, SEE REASON, AND WAS INCREDIBLY NARROW MINDED ON THE ISSUE, HE STAYED QUIET BECAUSE HE WAS BUSTED... but, he would come back later and try to spin it another way.

Now, this is what annoys the shit out of me!

These idiots want to blame being called racists as "PC Police" and try to say people are too caught up in being politically correct.... then turns it because he wants people to be politically correct to HIM!

political correctness was an old-school conservative approach to counter what was called "the culture war" often to criticize how young people had long hair, used slang, or were too flamboyant and unrestrained like rock stars whom could be rude, or hippies whom had orgies. It was to keep unkept people out of running for office, or to discredit wild things.

 By the 1980s and into the 1990s when it really caught on, political correctness was just being respectful, polite, fair, and hearing different sides of points of view and treating all people and opinions with respect, unless they were out of bounds, then you address the issue and discuss it, and everyone comes to terms with it. The point was to reduce the effect of offending people. It was about fairness.

Well, this guy, whom couldn't care less about being fair to any issue, nor refugees based on prejudice and wild speculations out of cowardice and no facts at all, had the gall to tell me that I wasn't being fair to him, that he'd be fair to me, and tries to spin the whole thing like he was some victim, meanwhile he was BUSTED. He was victimizing Syrian Refugees, through the entire nation of Saudi Arabia under the bus, through the President under the bus based on whatever prejudice he mentally had, and promoted bigotry.

How fair is that to people you don't even know?

Oh, that's right! It isn't fair! It's prejudice!

U have the GALL to want people to treat YOU politically correct and be tolerant of YOUR hatred but u can't tolerate facts, or people different from u?

At this point, I realized he didn't give a shit about the facts, because he was so narrow minded in his hate and vitriol, as tho' somehow his view of himself was better than everyone.

So, I called him out on this.

Either u realize u did something by mistake, and your sorry, ergo you're not actually racist but you did something without thinking it through. Or, you're a closet racist.

So which are you?

He was silent still for a while,

But, then he got angry that I called him out on being a racist or a bigot.

He was angry about this.

So, again, I made the case.
You discriminated on people based on their nationality, race, religion, and prejudice.

Come-on! Ur busted! So, which is it?

U can't refute it when ur guilty.

They get SO ANGRY when you call them out on it.

He kept denying it, dodging it, changing the subject.

He wanted to spin it like it was about freedom of speech.

Well, that's an INTERESTING POINT!

Yes. You HAVE the right to FREE SPEECH! Including RACISM and HATE SPEECH. if you WANT to promote racism, and RACIST ideas, that's BECAUSE YOU ARE RACIST. So, you have that right to do that (altho' it's against FB's rules on FB) but if ur promoting racists propaganda then WHY are you upset about owning up to BEING a racist if you ARE ONE?

I told him he needed to "do some soul searching". I told him to let go of his hate and to really self evaluate.

He went quiet again....

Then, he tried to restate is AGAIN but instead of trying to wriggle out of the fact that he's being racists as "free speech" now he was like "well, it's my opinions, and if you don't like it, you can unfriend me."

So, once he did this, the kid gloves were OFF!

Honestly, at this point, I KNEW this guy was not only a Closet Racist, but a FULL ON RACIST & BIGOT, and STILL in DENIAL about it.


WHY would you have racists opinions if ur NOT a racist?

Do non-racists persons have racists opinions????


And, he STILL denied he was a racist after that.

This his little, ignorant lacky bitch suck-up came in to try and do some spin... this chcick CLEARLY had NO IDEA what the hell she was talking about!

So, I ripped into her.

That was SO EASY. TOO easy. What a moron!

She also tried to spin it like it was somehow claiming "free speech" and "opinion" somehow nullifies all racism from being racism...


Oh, here's THE MOST COMMON excuses people use to avoid admitting they're racist:

I'm not a racist because:

* I have black (or insert ethnic group here) friends
       (Really, why don't u make ur racists rants n posts SET TO PUBLIC? tag ur "black friends" right now, and let's see what THEY have to say about things you say) 
* I work with diverse people
      (Really? How about u MAKE THIS POST SET TO PUBLIC and tag ur coworkers and ur boss, and lets see what they think.)
* I fucked a person of a different ethnicity than me
* I get a boner when I look at Beyonce' (therefore I can say and do anything racists and I'm scot-free from ever actually being a racists so don't call me that)
* I have Michael Jackson albums (Therefore I can say racists stereotypes without thinking and use derogatory words and statements and it doesn't count as racism)
* I watch Westley Swipes and Will Smith movies (so whenever I say something racist it doesn't count)
* I eat international foods
* Ono of my relatives/ancestors is Native American or Latino (so somehow they can discriminate on anyone and it doesn't count)

Here's another common one to dodge it:

I'm not racist, BUT _______________ (then says something based on stereotypes, fears, prejudice, and is full on racist... however, they might try to either say it in a calm voice like that makes it better, or they're in a WILD LOUD RANT)

I was actually VERY CIVIL when i first started this, but HE started doing "name calling" and then accused me. I called him out on how he now had no moral high ground. But, by the time the gloves came off, I ripped into him, and his lil' bitch with full on snark.

Instead of going the way I had been going, I was incredibly sarcastic. Something he actually THOUGHT he was somehow good at... until I pulled out THE SNARK.

and, when he tried to leverage the relationship as something to use like a bargaining chip to never question anything, I realized I did NOT want to be friends with this person.

But, instead of ME being the one to make that move first, I wanted to see how much he would take. He kept saying he was done talking, or it was a waste of time... and would go quiet, but also adding in a whole bunch on nonsense.

So, when people SAY they're DONE and they won't say/type anymore, or that its a waste of time, I often go full on and refute it in full, because I figure they'll ignore it, but anyone else whom might see it could see the facts, and see how he was behaving.

But, they can;t help it! They read at least some of it, which makes them look even more bad.

I wanted to drive this jerk to either admit he was a racist, or to delete me, because he was too much of a punk ass coward little bitch. usually when people try to threaten ending a relationship its because they're afraid you will, or because they're too cowardly. Honestly, I wondered WHY he hadn't already deleted me because it dragged on for hours...

well, his little bitch put in her -2cents since she's got marbles missing also... she also called me a feminist like somehow that meant something to here, which had NOTHING to do with the topics, and clearly had no clue what a feminist was. This ignorant bint was like: oh just delete her.

So, I called her a hypocrite that defends racism and bigotry, even tho' she denied it and said she was standing up for his free speech and opinions... yeah free speech about racism & bigotry which no one is attacking but calling out ur denial of being a racist.

I don't WANT to be connected with racists. No thank you.

So, I ripped in.

They did the whole ad hominem which is typical of ignorant people whom have no valid argument so they attack you instead. Then they accuse you of being stupid, and not not what your talking about, even tho' you've demonstrated you actually know way more, make valid point and pose question that they won;t even answer.

So, I pinned him on that. Why don't u answer the question?
Just own up to it.

Then, finally, he deleted me.

Bye bitch!

I really don't need these types of persons connected to me. I TRY to talk sense to them. I'm reached out to them. And, I'm really good about it. But, they escalate this to madness!

At this point in my life. I'm just done with them.

I cannot be friends with people whom have the same ideas as the KKK, or Neo Nazis.
It reflects badly upon me.

I suggest you start to call them out as well.

I feel completely RELIEVED to have rid myself of this person....

During that exchange, this punk seemed to refer to himself as some kind of outspoken person. Funny how the internet gives people this false sense of being somehow larger than life, or brave.

His lil' lacky there was like this guy has been outspoken for a long time.

Honestly I knew this punk before she did. I went to HIGH SCHOOL with this punk.

We had the SAME Social Studies classes, the SAME English classes and read all the same novels together.

This punk was NO OUTSPOKEN ANYTHING. He was a mousy, quiet, little guy.

I was the bold person. I got bullied a lot but I always stayed true to myself and dressed how I wanted. This guy would run away from any sign of a conflict.

If this guy was SO BOLD and OUTSPOKEN, then how come I have NO MEMORY of it whatsoever?

That's right! 



I think at first he was a a coward to delete me sooner because he often trolled my FB wall.

This guy harassed me a lot the last 2 years.... much of it was subtle punk-ass, shady stuff... pushing that line. Which was probably WHY I put up with him.

He has his ass handed to him earlier this week when some of my friends refuted him while I was working.

Altho' some folks think he had some kind of mis-placed crush issues on me... I seriously doubt that. Let's NOT even go there. I'm kind old now....

Monday, April 29, 2013

A Philosophical Pondering: Integrity VS. Material Success; Fate & Destiny

U know what?
I had a thought...

What if the real purpose of my life (our lives) wasn't really to be "successful" in the sense that we think?
(usually when we say that, we mean career wise, "The American Dream", and materially)

Because when u think (even philosophically) about "fate" or "destiny", then that all seems like a sham, or a farce...

Maybe... just maybe... the real purpose in life wasn't that at all... because, really, what's the point? Even if you just get stuff, then what? More stuff? U're just going to pass away anyway... and then what?

Perhaps, what if it's really about is living life with integrity?
What if it's about REALLY being TRUE to yourself, WHO YOU REALLY ARE, Your Heart, Your Humanity, your actions about ur fellow human beings, the world you live in/on, what you contribute, help, speak-up/stand-up for, and what you leave behind... even if no one remembers ur name.

Because if that is what "fate" or "destiny" was for me, as a sort of "lesson" or "test", whether "spiritually" or philosophically, then I'm TOTALLY OKAY WITH THAT.

To TRY, but not JUST to try, but hopefully to LIVE (if not strive) for INTEGRITY is something I could live with. If THAT is destiny or fate for me, then OK. Not only can a I live with that, I could DIE happily with that.

No, seriously.

If I were on my deathbed, and this was my last day, I'd be fine with that. Because I think I really DID try. (because I've endured the aftermaths of so many that turned their backs on their humanity)  It's my regrets that I'm always trying to compensate or make up for.

I find the whole concept rather comforting, really.


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Memoirs of an Unemployed American Artist in 2013

 Ah, yes! Let's talk about this. I have much to say. It never ends.

Job seeking today... in modern times

What's that like?

 +Kandice Zimbleman

The Job Searching Experience?

Yeah, what's that like?

Want to know what it was like for me?

I got more:

Another a follow-up:

+Kandice Zimbleman

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My 1st Post

My General Alias in "Black UniGryphon" or just "BlackUniGryphon" (乌独角兽 or 烏獨角獸 ) but, it's still ME.

That would be me, as in: Kandice Kathleen Zimbleman-Wang AKA 任思麒

Sometimes, I need to just NOT be known ONLY for my artwork, but also I'm, let's just say a "thinker". I think. I need to pontificate.

Hello! UPenn, if u're out there, maybe u'd like to pick me to study philosophy with you!




OK, then.... moving right along...


I haven't quite decided what to do with this specific blog.... yet...

But, I would like it to (hopefully) be known out there, that I (at the very least) have a functioning brain.

I like to think beyond that... but, hey... low expectations, Okay?

So, let's just shoot for basics....

I'll need to seriously consider what to do with this blog, I just hope it's something worthwhile... but, anyways, it's not as tho' anyone actually reads my blogs, much, if at all anyway... so, who cares?

I just hope, at least, that I can have something I can leave behind.. you, know that whole concept of legacy?

Well, this blog is Google based... so, hopefully, it'll be archived for posterity.

1 of my old blogs, which I used to cherish, several years ago, I just don;t feel I could continue with, as that person I was, the beliefs I had, no longer are valid, and that person (I was) is gone. I'm sad for her, because she passed, but I can no longer be her. I am just merely what remains. I'd like to believe that it's a good thing, altho' I would've been much more happier and content to be her. But, I cannot. I have laid her to rest, so no one, and nothing can ever hurt her again.

Now, only I exist. My skin is thicker, my thoughts and tongue are sharper, I can't say the same for my mediocre typing skills, but, hopefully that means something...

I will, however, continue with THIS blog:

I would've preferred to have lived my life as an artist, through my art, by my art, from & of my art(s)... but, I find, I unfortunately have been bestowed with a mind as well, and It must be taken into account.

I like science, and I also like philosophy...

But, as spirituality goes, I find (for the moment) that this topic has gone a bit mad, and the communities involved with it are problematic.

I like wisdom, I like philosophy, but I also like science, and things to make sense. At the same time, there is something about humanity, such as the ability to leap beyond logic, to be quite compelling. I just find I cannot commit to any modality, or group thought that will accept anything blindly, even tho' they have a functioning mind, or brain. Logic & reason were not there to exist merely to forgo them.

A topic of interest which perplexes me, as I have noticed it is the concept of "Faith".

I will say more on this, perhaps later, but this word (in English but also in several languages) has several definitions. The general meaning of it means to believe in something without evidence. However, it has often been used (even in Latin) to mean "loyal". Including "faithful" or "the faithful".

This I find to be problematic.

I don't think it's wrong to question, nor to seek/want/demand proof.

I also don't think that the act of believing something means, nor equates, to to loyalty, nor should it.

This would be nothing short of illogical.

On, the other hand, I have, in my own experience(s) had instances of believing in something when no one else did, and making something come true.

So, I am of course, perplexed further...

So, as I said, I like Philosophy VERY much. Yet, it can range from everything from the very hard nosed analytical to the very esoteric.

But, I am happy to know there is a wide spectrum.