Showing posts with label philosophy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label philosophy. Show all posts

Sunday, June 10, 2018

TV Show Concept: Philosophical Current Events Commentary

Graphical Representation of Plato's Allegory of the Cave in "The Republic"

Firstly, I honestly wish to keep this concept, and show to be very small. The topics can be SO LARGE & SO VAST that it can be rather overwhelming.

Plato's Allegory of The Cave in "The Republic"
I have been working on my research, and my basic outline for it, and I originally wanted about 3 episodes, but at this point, I have no real intention to shoot MORE than 5. However, due to the nature of it, the content I/we shoot might actually end up become more than that just based on those 5 parts.

Altho' I will be drawing heavily on Ancient Greek Philosophy, especially Socrates & Plato's books "The Republic" and "The Apologia of Socrates" (The Defense of Socrates), I will also draw from Laozi (Lao Tsu) material/book from "Dao De Jing" (Tao Te Ching) and just a few philosophical concepts by Alan Wattsand his take on Zen, as well as Bruce Lee.

Plato's Allegory of The Cave in "The Republic"
I want each aspect to be broken down into easy digestible parts, and show how it relates to everything, and how to use it to understand why things go wrong, how to question things, or possibly how to fix it.

I also do not wish it to be boring, dry, or TOO CEREBRAL.

PLUS, I do NOT wish it to be partisan at all, because I've found these topics resonate with all people including Right Wing, Left Wing, Centrist, Moderate, and Progressive. In fact, when I have these conversations in public, I have often noticed that people around me get very quiet and eavesdrop on my conversations, and this is regardless of whether I'm speaking to a radical, a moderate, a Right Winger, or Left Winger, an anarchist, or anything else.

This is because I use The Feynman Technique which breaks down complex ideas into basic simple ones.

Topics I wish to address are:

Epistemology, Ethics, Morality, The Socratic Method, A Priori Ideas .

Current Events Issues:

* Democracy, 3rd parties, the origins of the US Government, Constitution, and Bill of Rights. What ACTUALLY is: Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, Democracy, Feudalism, Plutocracy, Oligarchy, Republicanism, Conservatism, Liberalism, Constitutions, Federalism.
And what do those things mean to your life?

* The 2016 Election: why it went wrong (possibly Brexit as well) equating it to simple principles in the Dao De Jing.

* The Great Depression comparative commentary on the so called "Great recession" Economic Melt down of the Bail Outs, and the Economy relating to the neo "Tea Party" and how it got taken over by the corporate organizations it was protesting, "Occupy Wall Street", "Anonymous", and the media manipulation of news and events to turn politics into tabloids, ratings, and social media take over, including The Arab Spring. 

* Rhetorical framing in politics, media, and manipulation of narratives, empty platitudes.

* How to spot if your own relatives, coworkers, bosses, and friends are actually manipulating you using "leveraging" or "gas lighting" and equating it to Socrates VS. The Sophists in Plato's book.


I also feel like I want to break up the dryness of the seriousness of it, and may wish to include some comedic elements... persons like Jon Stewart & Lee Camp come to mind, among others. But, not a copy-cat of those.

Some Older References (somewhat outdated) :

Humor Commentary:

One of my previous films at UMASS Boston circa. 2016:

There are just a few elements I might take from this, but not so experimental & subjective or artsy...

Example of Unfiltered/Uncut ON-The-Fly Rhetorical Framing (2015):

Uncut/Unfiltered; Dismantling Preconceived Ideas (Sophistry/Rhetoric) Philosophically using commentary on Current Events [2015]:

Monday, April 29, 2013

A Philosophical Pondering: Integrity VS. Material Success; Fate & Destiny

U know what?
I had a thought...

What if the real purpose of my life (our lives) wasn't really to be "successful" in the sense that we think?
(usually when we say that, we mean career wise, "The American Dream", and materially)

Because when u think (even philosophically) about "fate" or "destiny", then that all seems like a sham, or a farce...

Maybe... just maybe... the real purpose in life wasn't that at all... because, really, what's the point? Even if you just get stuff, then what? More stuff? U're just going to pass away anyway... and then what?

Perhaps, what if it's really about is living life with integrity?
What if it's about REALLY being TRUE to yourself, WHO YOU REALLY ARE, Your Heart, Your Humanity, your actions about ur fellow human beings, the world you live in/on, what you contribute, help, speak-up/stand-up for, and what you leave behind... even if no one remembers ur name.

Because if that is what "fate" or "destiny" was for me, as a sort of "lesson" or "test", whether "spiritually" or philosophically, then I'm TOTALLY OKAY WITH THAT.

To TRY, but not JUST to try, but hopefully to LIVE (if not strive) for INTEGRITY is something I could live with. If THAT is destiny or fate for me, then OK. Not only can a I live with that, I could DIE happily with that.

No, seriously.

If I were on my deathbed, and this was my last day, I'd be fine with that. Because I think I really DID try. (because I've endured the aftermaths of so many that turned their backs on their humanity)  It's my regrets that I'm always trying to compensate or make up for.

I find the whole concept rather comforting, really.


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Blogging Along...

Sorry, I meant to have blogged on this a while back, and mostly intended this block for either philosophical or current events related, or just some miscellaneous stuff...

But, I got so caught up with Photography, and trying to become employed, or just the news its self, because I'm a huge news junkie, that I forgot all about this blog.

But, I have a few things to add.

+Kandice Zimbleman

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My 1st Post

My General Alias in "Black UniGryphon" or just "BlackUniGryphon" (乌独角兽 or 烏獨角獸 ) but, it's still ME.

That would be me, as in: Kandice Kathleen Zimbleman-Wang AKA 任思麒

Sometimes, I need to just NOT be known ONLY for my artwork, but also I'm, let's just say a "thinker". I think. I need to pontificate.

Hello! UPenn, if u're out there, maybe u'd like to pick me to study philosophy with you!




OK, then.... moving right along...


I haven't quite decided what to do with this specific blog.... yet...

But, I would like it to (hopefully) be known out there, that I (at the very least) have a functioning brain.

I like to think beyond that... but, hey... low expectations, Okay?

So, let's just shoot for basics....

I'll need to seriously consider what to do with this blog, I just hope it's something worthwhile... but, anyways, it's not as tho' anyone actually reads my blogs, much, if at all anyway... so, who cares?

I just hope, at least, that I can have something I can leave behind.. you, know that whole concept of legacy?

Well, this blog is Google based... so, hopefully, it'll be archived for posterity.

1 of my old blogs, which I used to cherish, several years ago, I just don;t feel I could continue with, as that person I was, the beliefs I had, no longer are valid, and that person (I was) is gone. I'm sad for her, because she passed, but I can no longer be her. I am just merely what remains. I'd like to believe that it's a good thing, altho' I would've been much more happier and content to be her. But, I cannot. I have laid her to rest, so no one, and nothing can ever hurt her again.

Now, only I exist. My skin is thicker, my thoughts and tongue are sharper, I can't say the same for my mediocre typing skills, but, hopefully that means something...

I will, however, continue with THIS blog:

I would've preferred to have lived my life as an artist, through my art, by my art, from & of my art(s)... but, I find, I unfortunately have been bestowed with a mind as well, and It must be taken into account.

I like science, and I also like philosophy...

But, as spirituality goes, I find (for the moment) that this topic has gone a bit mad, and the communities involved with it are problematic.

I like wisdom, I like philosophy, but I also like science, and things to make sense. At the same time, there is something about humanity, such as the ability to leap beyond logic, to be quite compelling. I just find I cannot commit to any modality, or group thought that will accept anything blindly, even tho' they have a functioning mind, or brain. Logic & reason were not there to exist merely to forgo them.

A topic of interest which perplexes me, as I have noticed it is the concept of "Faith".

I will say more on this, perhaps later, but this word (in English but also in several languages) has several definitions. The general meaning of it means to believe in something without evidence. However, it has often been used (even in Latin) to mean "loyal". Including "faithful" or "the faithful".

This I find to be problematic.

I don't think it's wrong to question, nor to seek/want/demand proof.

I also don't think that the act of believing something means, nor equates, to to loyalty, nor should it.

This would be nothing short of illogical.

On, the other hand, I have, in my own experience(s) had instances of believing in something when no one else did, and making something come true.

So, I am of course, perplexed further...

So, as I said, I like Philosophy VERY much. Yet, it can range from everything from the very hard nosed analytical to the very esoteric.

But, I am happy to know there is a wide spectrum.