Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Pokemon Go Lost Spawns September 2019 South Weymouth

Please excuse any of my spelling errors, I've just had surgery on Sept 27th 2019 and am still in recovery. I'm on meds, and I'm exhausted. 
I was OK'ed by my surgeon to play Pokemon Go on since Sunday.
I've been working towards progress since last year for my local Community in game.  

Last Night At My Home:

This Summer At My Home:

The General Range of Spawns in My House/Neighborhood Over This Year (2018-2019):

My Contact Info on Twitter: @BlackUniGryphon
The New Updates to Pokemon Go Spawns Definitely Negatively Effected/Affected my Neighborhood, and the Neighborhoods around me, as well as a Lot of the places around me.
 I am located in South Weymouth Massachusetts.

Many of these neighborhoods have small parks within them that are shared with neighborhoods next to them.

I documented them on OSM.

The most Spawns were near the ONLY PokeGyms we have Especially the Starbucks EX RAID PokeGym (The ONLY ONE in the area) which shares a Parkinglot with Wholefoods. (Weird that in other states Wholefoods has a PokeGym but not here.)

Also, Sprint is located here and their PokeGym no longer shows in Game but one near Braintree does by Weymouth Landing (that's soooo far away u need to drive there.)

This area has several historical spots, including Colonial, Native American Wompatuck, Victorian, Edwardian, and 20th Century.
(the reason I know this was due to playing so much Pokemon Go and talking to locals. I was not born here.)

 The Neighborhoods mostly lost spots, but also places I added in as having parking, that were near the good bits lots Spawns.

Neighborhood Troubles:

Greentree Condominium Neighborhood also shares Parks with New Penny Place, some Town Houses, and is also located next to Fountain Lane Neighborhood, and Gaslight Village.

These Edits to OSM can sometimes show in the game. There are small park areas and gardens which are shared and have benches, walkways, and landmarks. They showed in April 2018, but vanished by May 2018.

These were safe areas for children to catch Pokemon, and had grown in spawns all year.
The pool had Water Pokemon spawns most of the time.

I am showing the highest amounts of spawns that used to be there in Magenta.

Also, many features like bike racks would pawn pokemon, and so did the Electric Car Charger at the 99 Restaurant next to the neighborhood.


There is a also a park full of Glacial Boulders that has remnants of the Wompatuck/Mattakeesett Tribe from the 1600s and before. The boulders were left by glaciers in the ice age and are common to the area.

The Wompatuck used these stones to mill food, or stretch leather tanning. This was left in place and the neighborhood was built around the natural features. Many Colonial Builders would quarry the giant boulders for building materials, and broken off pieces can be found everywhere. 

In the 1800s-early 1900s landscapers were influenced by Chinese landscape known as "Gongshi" but  misunderstood the Chinese Taoist ideology and used the Boulders as Landscape Decor based on ignorance. Much of this was furthered in the mid 1900s after WWII due to the Baby Boom housing & Development Boom. Many of the plants used in this area were sourced from Asian plants and appear to have been from the same gardener suppliers which are all Asian species.

 Examples of the Chinese and Far East Asian gardening & Landscaping dates back to the 1800s in the area and has Gardens in Boston such as The Boston Public Garden (1837) which show the influences.

 I mapped out this area in RED showing spots that lost Spawns, but also Qualify for PokeStops. They are Safe, Historical, often have access to parking,  and even include NON ENGLISH SPEAKING CHURCHES, and Organizations similar to VFW, and similar organizations, as well as the old Naval Air Base "South Field" AKA "Union Point" which has been renovated and is often updating and under construction. The roads will also be updating frequently within the next 2-3 years.

We understand that Niantic may want to reduce Parkinglot Spawns, but it messed up a lot of other Spawns. 


Places NOT Showing PokeStops That Qualify that had a lot of Spawns, and now LOST THEM

The Commons
Yelp Listing  
South Field Welcome Center Museum
Union Point Sports Complex
Andy's Sports Cards & Music Memorabilia Museum Former Antique Train Station
Ma Reily's Antique/Vintage Cafe
The Hang Out (Former Naval Airbase Hanger)
Elf Mini Bridge
Abandoned Military Park
South Field White Bridge
Vintage South Field Sakura Groves

This area was once a busier spot several decades ago, if not over the centuries. I didn't know that until I started playing Pokemon Go. This area was used as a Train Station in the 20th Century, or perhaps even older. I can't find the exact records to confirm this yet. But, the parking areas still exist, and so does the train station which is now a privately owned museum for sports cards & music memorabilia.

The Antique Cafe known as Ma Reily's appears to have possibly been a General Store, in the 1880s or early 1900s. It also shows features from the mid 1900s. The Gasoline Station at the intersection also appears authentic antique styled. (unconfirmed, but evidence highly suggests this)

The Weymouth Great Pond is a Reserviour and has a water treatment plant, as well as several parks, trails, and an antique damn that is now just historical ruins. From what I have gathered, based on my own observations, this reserviour was constructed by making use of several small canals and drainage systems that run through all of the town area as well as all of the neighborhoods, and the wooded areas. Most of these canal systems don't show on the digital maps, but they are everywhere. They are almost entirely geometrically designed with angles and lines, and connect at specific points, and even go through underground tunnels.

Churches: See MAP

 Many Churches are NOT included on the Pokemon Go Map, or Ingress, most likely due to them being NON ENGLISH SPEAKING, especially Portuguese.  We have a high population of locals from Brazil, many of whom are my neighbors. They all vary in faith & beliefs as well.

The Most Common Walking Routs (South Weymouth):

The most common areas to walk around on foot (also people drive) is Main Street (Rt 18) and Pleasant Street,

Typical Walking routs are Shown in Green
* The MOST General Spots to Walk to Play Pokemon Go  are around the Starbucks EX RAID GYM. That's Main Street, and Pleasant Street.

* Down Pleasant Street goes to the Post Office (PokeStop) to Colombian Square which has the Oldest Historical Buildings:

* The Fogg Opera House (PokeGym)
* The Fogg Library (PokeGym)

and their are a few PokeStops Here.


There are also SEVERAL Historical Spots  that don't show as Portals/PokeStops. Many of these places were left unfinished on OSM and I finished Editing them.

This includes:

* Gunn Building Memorial
* Historic Station 5 the original Fire Station which is now a a Jeweler that showcases Ice Sculptures in December.
* Antique Cameo Theatre.
* Wompatuck Stone Grinding Monument
* Tanner Barbara Memorial
* Eagle Scout Memorial

* Fred K Tolkien Square


When I added these spots to the Map a few months ago, they actually started to make Pokemon Spawns, but they are all gone.

Also, back in the winter there was far more Spawns here. I recall playing the Clamperl Event and other Community Day Events in this area and all of the streets were flooded with Pokemon. This used to be THE BEST SPOT TO PLAY. But, by March and Spring it was so disappointing Most of the spawns were missing. and I PLAY EVERY DAY if it's NOT SNOWING, RAINING, or Above 32 degrees.

The Magenta Shows the Walking Area Routs We Use ESPECIALLY FOR COMMUNITY DAY
As You Can See, much of this area is now barren.

I'd recently added Parking areas to the OSM because people from other towns in the Community Discord would visit to Raid and were confused about WHERE TO PARK.

There's actually lots of places to park. BUT we PLAY ON FOOT HERE. 

 This Shows the MOST devastating loss of Spawns.

Many of the residents in the neighborhoods here now PREFER to walk to Wholefoods, Starbucks, and everything else. I see MORE people on foot in the past 4 years than 10 years ago.

This is due to the price of gasoline, but also people realized it was good for health to walk.

This also caused many organizations and local town initiatives to improve the area. We have improvements rolling in to the roads. Parks are being refurbished. Cross-walks are improved.

This is ALSO the ONLY safe area for children to play. THERE'S A PROBLEM with Abduction Trafficking in Greater Boston. Some kids only play with their Dads now, and not their Moms anymore. 

The only place to see moms play with kids in the area was HERE because its a parking lot, and its SAFE inside a car. 

The MOST likely victims of rape slavery are moms with children. 

BUT..... now the Pokemon are gone... 

 I emailed Niantic about this last year trying to get better PokeStops in better locations in October.

I JUST want it to be SAFER for ALL the players INCLUDING CHILDREN. Many of the kids stopped playing because its so much trouble to play without a car... this is ALSO the issue with Ingress, and Harry Potter Wizards Unite as well...

The game LITERALLY says its for 6 years old and up....

But, I just turned 40, and I'm OFTEN the youngest player at EX RAIDS... Just Sayin'....

Having said that.... since I have been so active in my local Discord Community with Pokemon Go the amount of player is going up.... but they all HAVE CARS.

ALSO, the MOST LIKELY groups of players are Dads with kids... Pokemon Go players are tend to be VERY KIND, and non-judgemental to persons with mental illnesses.... I often come across Players whom have been therapeutically effected/affected by playing the game whom suffered from mental illness.

I believe this is due to the positive interaction with Men. In a world that glorifies so-called "Toxic Masculinity" and has so many negative role models, Male Pokemon Players are of a courteous, generous, and team player nature. It is also the MOST cleanest fandom (aside from Harry Potter as well) that has very positive Male players with many good human & humane qualities.

In this area I've often come across persons with handicaps, mental illness, and addiction recovery. I've also come across players during community day that suffered from diagnosed social anxiety and acute agoraphobia (fear of open spaces, and going outside) but talked my ears off the entire event! This was VERY COMMON.

Somehow the combination of the game play outdoors, walking around, and polite friendly players seemed to be a helpful mix.

This shows the HIGHEST concentration of where the Pokemon Spawns were near Starbucks and Wholefoods.

 This shows the HIGHEST concentration of where the Pokemon Spawns were near Starbucks and Wholefoods.
This is a Busy Intersection and it has also been reconstructed. The Satellite Scans are WRONG and OUT DATED. 

Colonial Highland Cemetery Missing From Map 

 This one often baffles me because it's THE OLDEST GRAVEYARD in the entire town, one of the OLDEST of the ENTIRE COMMON WEALTH of MASSACHUSETTS, and the Original 13 Colonies.

 I have been shooting Photography at THIS location since 2003. 

Highland Cemetery  STILL does NOT show IN GAME no matter HOW many times i try to fix the OSM Edits. It did actually start showing Spawns this year, and people OFTEN go there to WALK THEIR DOGS, and its across form the South Shore Hospital, and near Marry Lou's Coffee & Starbucks. People also often Jog there, an there's a park with benches inside. Its VERY peaceful and also invigorating. 

Highland Cemetery Listings:  001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006

 There are other Cemeteries also not showing in game in Weymouth, and they are incredibly old. Many of them have memorials, monuments, and have historical significance to the founding on the Town/City and include Pilgrims, Puritans, Quakers, Revolutionary War Soldiers, and more. 

Renovated Park: Stella Tirrell:

Stella Tirrell Park IS TOTALLY REDONE!
It has 2 NEW Outdoor Roller Hockey Rinks & Competitions.

None of the locals understand HOW nor WHY it DOES NOT have a PokeGym yet. It's the PERFECT SPOT. It also has a playground, parking, a Picnic Area, and they play several Sporst events here. There's ALSO a Mural Painting here dedicated to Legendary BABE RUTH.... I guess local Red Sox fans got over the whole "Curse" thing... (BTW: Baseball is like a religion here. NOT KIDDING.)

They also have seasonal events, good lighting at night,and it used to have loads of spawns here. I got a Shiny Clamperl here on Clamperl Day.

THE MAP LIES!!!!!!!!!!!

 People actually GAVE UP PLAYING around the end of 2017 to early 2018....

There was articles claiming PokeStops could be added as a suggestion....

But those articles are collecting dust in some server... CHECK THE DATE ON THIS ONE.

Niantic told me last year (October 2018) that they were more interested in "expanding globally"....

So, many people, ESPECIALLY CHILDREN, quit playing....

On PogoMap I added the PokeStops to show that there was some.... barely....

But, you can see WHERE the Map Makers Focused their ATTENTIONS:


The main reason u see nothing on the RIGHT SIDE is because not only are their so few PokeStops & PokeGyms but THEY GAVE UP, and QUIT PLAYING.
* Originally I was told that "Rural Areas Don't have many Qualifying sites that could be a PokeStop".
But, I when I started to research it I found this was FALSE. (Also I'm NOT RURAL. I'm in a CITY with LOTS OF OLD TREES BECAUSE it got SETTLED in the 1600s)

I actually found UNTOLD amounts of UNFINISHED items in OpenStreetMap. They just never got finished. Well, I finished them and they many show in the map, but no PokeStops.

Negus Park Started Showing in July

 Negus Park
 Listing 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08
Negus Park: I've Found Many Parks like this in the Araea that were left unfinished on the map for years. I finished & fixed them.
You CAN actually see it AS A PARK NOW IN GAME since July (2018) but no PokeStops there.

Here's ANOTHER place I fixed:

Lakeview Cemetery:
There is ONLY ONE PokeStop Here. It only shows as a PokeStop, and the Cemetery really doesn't show like park.
There are SO MANY MONUMENTS, MEMORIALS, STATUES, and all sorts of places to walk and stroll here. This would be a good spot of a Community Day is it Had more PokeStops AND a PokeGym.
There were players here in 2016-17 that thought they would get more PokeStops there, but nothing happened, and they no longer play.

This Playground has Appeared & Disappeared Many times since July
Thicket Playground No Longer Showing
This Playground was left unfinished on the OSM for years, so I finished it and saved it in the Spring. It began showing in July IN GAME. But, it disappears & reappears many times. It was showing IN GAME for MOST of September. But, no spawns or PokeStops.

It has so many different names as well. I usually call it "Thicket Playground" but different locals call it different names depending on how old or young they are. 

Listings: 01, 02, 03

And, NO we DON'T necessarily view ourselves as RURAL EITHER...

Weymouth is NOT RURAL. It's technically a "City" now.

We have Starbucks, Wholefoods, and MIT is test driving Optimus Drive Inc.'s Robo Cars that drive without a driver in South Field/Union Point.
They also shoot Block Buster Hollywood films there as well in the past 20 years.

 Also, I want you to SEE just how HUGE my Town/City actually is!
Weymouth is SO LARGE that it has multiple Zipcodes.

But we have barely ANY PokeStops or PokeGyms... We actually have MORE Ingress Portals showing than PokeStops & PokeGyms 

Compare THAT to a small town like Randolph, or a Tiny Town like Holbrook. Do you see just how many Portals their are there???

So, I can't even Level Up very fast in Ingress to help out Pokemon Go...

See all the spots in Orange? That's the only spots to play on... good luck trying on foot... I don;t own my own car...

And Pokemon Players are more used to Instant Gratification... the idea of waiting ans strategizing to play Ingress is odd and unusual to them... (It's almost like pulling teeth to get them to take it serious) So, they give up...

But, Ingress Players are more Strategy minded... they wait, and see... and they're Cryptic, and talk in Riddles....   They also don't trust anyone... it's kinda like trying to herd cats... I often feel confused about Ingress Players... they makes jokes, and talk in riddles... they can take forever to answer... or suddenly stop talking....

In the summer, they made jokes about even if I DID make it to a high enough Level to nominate a Portal, it didn't mean it would get voted in...... er..... um....... but so what?

 I could try other ones.... 
-or try again later...

I don't see that as reason ENOUGH to just give up. 

Besides.... Its NOT JUST ABOUT ME.... 

Its about others.

Differences in Ingress Portals Showing but not in Pokemon Go

This is just a FRACTION of things that aren;t showing in the game, and THIS is JUST in SOUTH WEYMOUTH.

TUFTS Library is Under Construction and Lost Spawns in that area of East Weymouth:

* Nearby Ashwood Cemetery not Showing Near Tufts Library.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

TV Show Concept: Philosophical Current Events Commentary

Graphical Representation of Plato's Allegory of the Cave in "The Republic"

Firstly, I honestly wish to keep this concept, and show to be very small. The topics can be SO LARGE & SO VAST that it can be rather overwhelming.

Plato's Allegory of The Cave in "The Republic"
I have been working on my research, and my basic outline for it, and I originally wanted about 3 episodes, but at this point, I have no real intention to shoot MORE than 5. However, due to the nature of it, the content I/we shoot might actually end up become more than that just based on those 5 parts.

Altho' I will be drawing heavily on Ancient Greek Philosophy, especially Socrates & Plato's books "The Republic" and "The Apologia of Socrates" (The Defense of Socrates), I will also draw from Laozi (Lao Tsu) material/book from "Dao De Jing" (Tao Te Ching) and just a few philosophical concepts by Alan Wattsand his take on Zen, as well as Bruce Lee.

Plato's Allegory of The Cave in "The Republic"
I want each aspect to be broken down into easy digestible parts, and show how it relates to everything, and how to use it to understand why things go wrong, how to question things, or possibly how to fix it.

I also do not wish it to be boring, dry, or TOO CEREBRAL.

PLUS, I do NOT wish it to be partisan at all, because I've found these topics resonate with all people including Right Wing, Left Wing, Centrist, Moderate, and Progressive. In fact, when I have these conversations in public, I have often noticed that people around me get very quiet and eavesdrop on my conversations, and this is regardless of whether I'm speaking to a radical, a moderate, a Right Winger, or Left Winger, an anarchist, or anything else.

This is because I use The Feynman Technique which breaks down complex ideas into basic simple ones.

Topics I wish to address are:

Epistemology, Ethics, Morality, The Socratic Method, A Priori Ideas .

Current Events Issues:

* Democracy, 3rd parties, the origins of the US Government, Constitution, and Bill of Rights. What ACTUALLY is: Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, Democracy, Feudalism, Plutocracy, Oligarchy, Republicanism, Conservatism, Liberalism, Constitutions, Federalism.
And what do those things mean to your life?

* The 2016 Election: why it went wrong (possibly Brexit as well) equating it to simple principles in the Dao De Jing.

* The Great Depression comparative commentary on the so called "Great recession" Economic Melt down of the Bail Outs, and the Economy relating to the neo "Tea Party" and how it got taken over by the corporate organizations it was protesting, "Occupy Wall Street", "Anonymous", and the media manipulation of news and events to turn politics into tabloids, ratings, and social media take over, including The Arab Spring. 

* Rhetorical framing in politics, media, and manipulation of narratives, empty platitudes.

* How to spot if your own relatives, coworkers, bosses, and friends are actually manipulating you using "leveraging" or "gas lighting" and equating it to Socrates VS. The Sophists in Plato's book.


I also feel like I want to break up the dryness of the seriousness of it, and may wish to include some comedic elements... persons like Jon Stewart & Lee Camp come to mind, among others. But, not a copy-cat of those.

Some Older References (somewhat outdated) :

Humor Commentary:

One of my previous films at UMASS Boston circa. 2016:

There are just a few elements I might take from this, but not so experimental & subjective or artsy...

Example of Unfiltered/Uncut ON-The-Fly Rhetorical Framing (2015):

Uncut/Unfiltered; Dismantling Preconceived Ideas (Sophistry/Rhetoric) Philosophically using commentary on Current Events [2015]:

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Stupid Things People on FaceBook Say about the Florida Massacre

Oh... The outpouring of human empathy was too much for you? But, don't call you out for not saying it's murder?
Um.... yeah, we DO think stricter gun regulations make sence, because our brains still work. It's called the AWB "Assault Weapons Ban"  by Bill Clinton in 1994, which actually came about as a measure to address massacres like this, also worked, and was repealed causing this rampant problem to make more money for the For Profit Arms Dealers with their p[aid Lobbyists, and blood thirsty politicians that take bribes to perpetuate it. (CONTEXT: and YES these are WHITE PEOPLE typing this stuff, and oddly the post was by a bleach blond white woman.)

That law about stopping mentally ill individuals from owning certain kinds of weapons, was actually JUST repealed by President Trump...

And, somehow she managed to spin this about abortion, which is a medical issue, and also legal.

Did you know that the original Pro-Life movement started against the Death Penalty? You're SO SICK of hearing about the school shootings??? Really? you're NOT Pro-Life. You're brainwashed & ignorant.

Erm..... yeah, we have a guns problem, because tide pods & their users aren't massacring schools. Tide Pods are intended to CLEAN CLOTHING, not to be used in war, assassinations, or terrorism. What is the purpose of an AR-15 again? Oh, right. WAR.

Weird that you actually believed an entire generation of people were actually eating Tide Pods tho'. It was a meme.... no one actually ate them, unless they were gullible, and the joke was over their heads...

So, this one was some dude that didn't even bother to read the entire "debate" thingy I had with this other dude, but wanted to chime in with THIS ignorant remark. Somehow, in his arrogant, deluded, ignorant mind, he somehow thought this was some kind of GREAT COMEBACK LINE.

Except there's the fact that assault weapons of war were made illegal, we didn't have massive rampant school shootings, and paranoid gun-freaks still got to own, buy, and use guns.

Sometimes, I wonder if dudes like this cry if they have to get a needle at the doctor's office, or faint at the first site of blood. That's just wild speculation on my part.... but I wonder....  the bratty reactionary things they blurt out, and their utter disconnect with priorities, is astounding.

Sounds like a personal problem.... for Troy Allen Bridges in Cabarrus, NC.
So, just HOW OFTEN does that happen in your life?
Can you take a video of that the next time a soapy mouthed person is dazed & confused in your restroom?

Karren Lewis publicly started scraping the bottom of the barrel because they're getting desperate.
More victim blaming...
No, Karren, maybe when you were in high school YOU could actually afford to get a car, mit's a bit of a luxury these days, because those days are gone.... and texting while driving is NOT actually the same as a school being gunned down in cold blood. I've never heard of a body count higher than Columbine, like this one which was 17 deaths, by a texting while driving accident.

If the shooter had mowed down the students in the school with his car, THEY WOULD ALL GET INSURANCE. That's a LEGAL REGULATION. But, he used an ASSAULT RIFLE known as an AR-15 which is a weapon of war, and a machine gun. An automobile don;t combust your body apart, it's a blunt impact, and is NOT THE SAME.

ALL of my male relatives were in drunk driving accidents, (or even chemical spill accidents) often more than one, and they didn't get their legs or body parts burst off into minced meat, and the body parts that were broken could be salvaged with metal robs, or casts, and braces. That's also due to safety laws and regulations that they are still alive in AN ACCIDENT, which is also NOT THE SAME as a PREMEDITATED MASS MURDER.

Sunday, September 3, 2017


Poor internet speed for $70!!!!

My spouse and I have been Verizon broadband internet customers since the GW Bush Era. that's about 11 years! OVER A DECADE!

We got off of AOL after a MAJOR FIGHT because no matter how much we tried to end our sub par over-priced internet from AOL, they kept refusing to end our service, until we finally got it to end.

So, we went with VERIZON.

At the time, our internet speed was about an average of 2.8-2.9 MBPM but often went over 3. Even when Obama was president we could test over 5 MBPM!

Since about 2012 the internet service OFTEN was poor, and kept getting worse.

When we got our first smartphones, we could actually have up to 4 people on wifi streaming videos PLUS watch Netflix.

GOOD LUCK trying to get ANY video AT ALL to stream in HD, let alone HQ...

Poor video quality

Mind you, Verizon unilaterally jacks up the price, without our consent! WE DO NOT CONSENT TO THE PRICE HIKE.

Whenever you would chat with Verizon on twitter they could temporarily fix it. I should have to COMPLAIN every week to you guys to FIX IT! For $70!!!

At some point I figured out I could rerout the speed through the speed test, and Google video report. Good luck with that now.

I used to have to go in manually EVERY TIME to rerout the speed myself JUST to watch a VIDEO I paid $70 for sub par internet! NOW it doesn't even work!

Mind, you EVERYONE IN THIS HOUSE HOLD IS AN ARTIST. We UPLOAD graphics, videos, audio... NOTHING uploads now! NOTHING. you can;t even get Snapchat to work though the wifi! and, the iPhone actually will rerout to the data. Good luck trying to get Instagram to work! Netflix plays COMPRESSED! Trying to use Flickr is a NIGHTMARE! You can't upload, or edit anything in the editor! Oh? You want to upload a WAV or an AIF file!? TOO BAD! Sad day for YOU!

I actually had some work back in June that I was PAID well for but my internet wouldn't let a basic upload sync to DropBox! Talk about EMBARRASSING! Back in NOVEMBER it worked JUST FINE!

Also, my WHITE NEIGHBORS that pay VERIZON get regularly good internet... usually. So, maybe they're all starting to get ripped off also... soon.

Oh, but the WANG house hold! No we get RIPPED OFF!

Guess how much we get charged! About $70!

As I was chatting with Verizon yesterday, guess how many times they changed their story!

Oh, they often use the same line "this is what you can expect within YOUR contract"  Funny thing is back in the GW Bush Era my CONTRACT was at 2.8-2.9 MBPS AVERAGE but often tested OVER 3, and during the Obama Era we could even get up to 5! So, NOW you're lying to me that my contract says 2.4 MBPS and I pay MORE! REALLY?


Then I PROVED they were LYING:




"You don't have a contract, you are just a month by month customer".

Oh, really? Which is it?  


Funny how when being called out on THAT LINE about the CONTRACT all of a sudden the STORY CHANGES.

Isn't that malfeasance?

YESTERDAY This page was FULL of VERIZON ads with cheaper prices and BETTER DEALS ALL DAY & NIGHT! So, where did it all go??? HMMMMM??????
If the price is going up, then WHY is the speed & service GOING DOWN?

DON'T give me any of that BUNK about: well: you didn't upgrade...

For $70 PRICE JACK no upgrades??? WHO DOES THAT MAKE SENSE TO????

No, you JUST want to trick us, deceptively into some package deal, or FORCE us to BUY SOMETHING ELSE! That's ILLEGAL! 

 This is a violation of Antitrust Law.

It's ALSO a violation of the ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER ACT. Funds (ie "instrument") were accepted IN GOOD FAITH by a "consumer" for a thing of value or service.

See also:

Title 3 Section 603
UCC 3-419
UCC 3-603

According to the Social Contract during the Clinton Era, it was allowed that services such as cable Tv and internet COULD charge a fee for upgrades to services as to allow for continuation of better quality services... however, it DOES NOT allow for jacking up prices and reducing quality to artificially inflate stock and share prices.


Go to Google, Yahoo, or any Search engine type in your zip code and key words "broadband internet" and see if YOU are ALSO being ripped off. Check YOUR bill!

This is NOT how you treat a LONG TIME CUSTOMER! 



Oh, and BTW the Router we have has lights that NO LONGER WORK, but reps on the phone are like: Oh, that's fine! Really? I pay $70 per month! Funny how you swapped us out for a new router back in the Obama Era!

Don't give me your lies and excuses about contracts, and no contracts, and imaginary upgrades... and act like it's the CONSUMER'S fault! LEGALLY ur on the hook for better business practices!

It's 2017! Did you ACTUALLY think we'd just SIT HERE and TAKE IT???


Sunday, July 23, 2017

Methods That Have Worked So Far

July 23, 2016.

Everyone is having a mixture of hits & misses.

What you can do/try to see what works:

* #1 THIS is the most popular method (but it took me several tries to get it to go through, and only worked at night) this method is pretty much guaranteed to get a reversal tho'. :

* #2 THIS one is the EASIEST one to get to work: KLICK HERE and follow the directions!

* #3 This method also worked but sometimes you need to try it a few times, at different times:


I've read a few other ones, but these are ones that I've manage to get to work.

Here are 3 of mine that have worked:

I have been getting conflicting stories.


* 1 more thing you can do to see for yourself, and once you've seen it, it can't be unseen.


B.) Register an account, and verify your email.

C.) Use the search bar and type in your social WITH THE DASHES and you can see pages of everyone trading your bonds.

If it doesn't work the first time, close the browser, log back in and try again.

Someone said their worked more if they took out the dashes, but mine didn't. I got ZERO listings without the dashes.




Other stuff:


Apparently there's also a way to use your passport number. I haven't figure it out yet, tho'.

Expect to get reversals, and find out what to do about them. 

WATCH all of these videos 1 by one, and take notes. 



Altho' I HAVE worked in a bank, I am not legally certified to practice law, am not a certified financial expert, nor can I legally advise. I can only exercise my right to free speech in commentary ON all things printed and published within the public domain. All of this information is publicly available.

I reserve the right to be incorrect, to make mistakes, errors, and also to speculate on current events.
I also reserve the right to change my mind.

I have in no way coerced anyone to pay me.

I am NOT a cult leader.


Video List 001

This is the CLOSEST up-to-date INTRO I could come up with at this time:

I'm making this list of Videos to help STREAMLINE the comprehensive understanding.

July 23, 2017
New Update August 18

YOU MUST GO THROUGH THIS, otherwise you won't be able to accomplish your goals, and what you deserve.


* Grab some Popcorn, a notebook, and a pen or pencil, push PLAY on the first video, and take notes. progressively move from one video to the next all the way through to section #4. It will probably take about 2-3 days.


* TRY to save the videos using THIS LINK  because they COULD end up getting taken down.

* THIS site will help you SAVE LINKS: POCKET

 * THIS site has the best intel & updates frequently: I UV

* Tips for what to BEWARE OF:

* Stay away from cults because MANY will try to suck you in with "spiritual" or "Biblical" jargon, and I've seen LOTS of those over the years,
* Libertarian sites because they're too aggressive & confrontational. Stay peaceful, and non-combative.
 * You actually don't need to pay anyone. Many people are coming together, and helping each other out.


I'm starting HERE because this video actually has a bunch of links (including INTERNATIONAL) and the comments are VERY ACTIVE. You can ask questions and get feedback:




Get a NOTEBOOK, and a Pencil, and start jotting down stuff. If anyone mentions something to look up, WRITE THAT DOWN!



I suggest you sit through THESE 2 VIDEOS ALSO:



HARVEY STUFF got removed from YouTube

It should take you a few days to get through that.

If you've made it THIS FAR, hopefully it's starting to click, and you've moved past "THE OVERWHELM", because it's so overwhelming!

This stuff gets into some other topics, so hopefully by now, you should be able to at least understand how to navigate search engines, how to call in, and have an understanding that's functionally basic.

This stuff gets into FURTHER PARTS. I suggest you stay away form this if you haven't been through the above stuff. I'm still on the path with this, and I started back in 2010. So much as changed since I came back. (I could do a post about the differences... maybe)

If you want to try figuring it out, these have lots of clues in them:


Druanna gets into really advanced stuff. If you're not a Secured Creditor yet, don't even bother. She also DOES help International people, BUT she won't help ANYONE unless you pay her. She also is creating her own cult. Have fun with that.

But, she DOES give LOTS of info FOR FREE in her videos, with tons of clues, and much of it is similar to things I was privy to back in 2010. She does stretch some "facts" and spins some things towards her own personal biases... but, human beings kinda tend to do that.... So, don't throw the baby out with the bath water.

Regardless of your opinion of her, she does know a lot of her stuff.

If you are adept at fact checking, you can grab bits from what she discloses and figure out what to look up, or what to ask, if someone is more knowledgeable.


Altho' I HAVE worked in a bank, I am not legally certified to practice law, am not a certified financial expert, nor can I legally advise. I can only exercise my right to free speech in commentary ON all things printed and published within the public domain. All of this information is publicly available.

I reserve the right to be incorrect, to make mistakes, errors, and also to speculate on current events.
I also reserve the right to change my mind.

I have in no way coerced anyone to pay me.

I am NOT a cult leader.


Sunday, March 20, 2016

Knowledge You Need To Be An Informed Voter: Documentaries You Need To Watch

Knowledge You Need To Be An Informed Voter: 
Documentaries & Investigative Reports You Need To Watch

I have assembled here a number of documentaries you NEED TO WATCH.

This will put into perspective, and within contexts, and subtexts, the actual truths of a number of "talking points" that are the platforms that politicians are running on, or campaigning on. This way, you can easily spot the lies, liars, propaganda, and fraud.

 Set aside some time, and watch these. take notes.
If there's anything you don;t understand, just pick up your smartphone and google search it.

Go grab some popcorn and set aside some time to watch the films.

Some Cogent Lectures: