Thursday, February 5, 2015

2015, Revenue, and Facebook

I noticed I had a few unfinished typed drafts to this blog, that I never got around to finish, and I can't even recall what I was writing about. Some, I had to delete, because I lost all the source materials, or have completely forgotten what my point was.
*le sigh*

As I have been mentioning on my other blogs, I have been totally rebuilding my blogs. I am actually much more satisfied with my programmer/scripting since I started doing this last month. I never thought I would EVER say, write, or even THINK that because I feel my programming skills are often stinky.

Well, I have expanded my ad revenue horizons, and increased my revenue stream potential(s). I have also ACTUALLY been approved to some blog directories now! YES! FOR REAL! Can you believe that????

 BTW: If you were reading this and wondering about how to expand your own blogging revenue affiliate opportunities (because I keep getting this question) Just klick this banner:


Also, something I've frequently mentions on my other blogs was how INSANE 2014 was.

Currently, I kind of HATE going onto Facebook. I feel like when I'm on there that I'm so uncomfortable. people have become so easily brainwashed, belligerent, insensitive and stuck in a bubble. I also get accosted with too much perverts. And, of the few people that still frequent facebook, they often flip-flop about what they mean, or which stance they are on... and, many are so shell-shocked from the craziness of life that they are often loosing their mind from rage, despair, etc. That, and also the fact that FB reads & monitors your private messages to sell ads to you, or to other third parties.

And, by selling you ads, it's not the same as the ads here. I mean they constantly "SELL" ideas, propaganda... BE THIS. DO THIS. BE LIKE THIS. JOIN THIS GROUP. YOU NEEEEED THIIIISSS THIIIIING!!! FEEL INADEQUATE!


The ads I do business with, whether by Google Adsense contracting, Amazon Affiliate contracting, and/or other affiliates contracting it's just an ad. Like a simple billboard, banner, poster... they're often like decorations. They're created hopeful to generate "impulse buys", or "impulse clicks". The ads I use are good, but they are not so overtly oppressive, even if I have several. They are at least tasteful, refined, and within reason. If you go to a Chinese website, like a Chinese message board, the ads are so IN YOUR FACE, they are distracting, they flash, make noises, interrupt you, annoy you. I HATE THOSE. But, then, when you go onto Facebook, there are all these ads, constantly that you don;t realize.... it's sneaky. They are on the side. they are by "organizations" posing as a group, or fanpage, when they are actually paid by some propogandist think tank... you might laugh or scoff at my pointing this out, and say: Kandice, i think your exagerating, or overdoing it...

Really? There's the little ones on the side, and they say subtle things... and use ideas, or words, or colors to help you to somewhat notice them.... words like "liberty", "freedom", or whatever issues, or interests you have.... then, other things start to sneak in... the stuff you hate. but, then, it's like those things start merging, and over a long time, you've become duped, or lulled into the things you hated.... without realizing it, you've been duped, or re-trained... or brainwashed.

Or, the tricky Dicks with the trick of making you think that ad ad to a petition about something your against, is actually a petition in favor of what you disagree with... but, you wouldn't know if you didn't read it, and just blindly and "faithfully" went along with it, thinking you were doing some good...

Then, your feed becomes a tool to grab ur attention, and remold the malliableness of your mind.

And, then you can no longer read, nor see the things which mattered to you before... not be connected to those you loved... and instead the feed is full of article after article from things you never even subscribed to... never liked.

And, the people whom you loved, you now need to go out of your way to keep up with....

Then, once their content finally starts to show in your feed, your realize that the propogandists have already gotten to them. *out of breath*

The sensible folks whom were very intelligent, common sense, educated, bright... now..... they are indoctrinated... Persons whom you PERSONALLY KNEW FOR YEARS, or over a DECADE. or grew up with, worked with, went to school or classes with... Things these same individuals said they would NEVER BE, NEVER BE LIKE, and NEVER EVER DO..... and NOW, they are totally consumed in the propaganda. totally brainwashed... and so much so, that they cannot even see it, and have a common sense discussion about it, will make you loose your friendships with everyone...

Persons whom claim they don't like rumors, conjecture, hear-say, gossip, or nonsense based without fact, actually HATE FACTS, but prefer cult-like "truths" instead, and engage in the spread of the propaganda as well. They have fallen for it all.  They are unwilling to analyze, evaluate, re-evaluate, and consider things for what they are, nor make sensible comparisons.

So..... that is why I am uncomfortable with Facebook these days...
The reasons I was originally on there, and also was incredibly popular from about 2007-2010 are just not there anymore... Once it seemed that FB could be used for good, like The Arab Spring, and Occupy, it seems as tho' that same ability to do so had been used to promote the opposition, which pays for it with money, unlike the former which was free and motivated by truth, liberties, human rights, and common sense.

I am tired of it...

Batman: Arkham Asylum

Anyways, I am actually becoming rather popular on Instagram again.  You can find me HERE.

I have also started some new blogs. Find all my blogs HERE.

My main twitter profile is @BlackUniGryphon but due to some pending funds issues, which have been stuck with quite a lot of perpetual delays, It's possible that it could temporarily be set to private or shut down for an unknown extended period for legal reasons potentially. The matter is such a liquid issue of flux, that I cannot predict the time-frame, much to my frustration.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Phony Talking Point: All religions teach the same thing

 Here's an echo chamber concept/talking point I often fell for when I was in "New Age" circles:

"All religions teach the same thing." 

Each person, guru, or follower saying these things would often spin it in some direction, like "oneness", or "love".

It's a BEAUTIFUL IDEA! Which is why everyone usually likes to hear this, and also shake their heads, and repeat it...

Then, depending on whomever was saying their version of this talking point, it would somehow end up being about how they knew everything (or inferred they did), how their life was so great, or perfect, so buy their book, subscribe to their ________, buy a ticket to their show... because Capitalism = oneness and love, and God, and all religions, and whatever else their "spirit is telling me"...

And, you should try to be JUST LIKE THEM, only DO WHAT THEY SAY, but BE HAPPY IN YOUR MEAGERNESS, BUT DON'T BE... because you should strive to be like them...

*pause to contemplate the contradictions*

Or, when they speak, or write down, the whole "all religions teach the same thing" stuff.... they start "Name dropping":
Buddha (that's a REALLY POPULAR ONE with Westerner English speakers), they throw in Jesus (THE TOP MOST POPULAR ONE), then they throw in names like Mohamed, and Moses... I've also heard 'The Ancient Egyptians", "The Ancient Greeks" or Oracles, Saints, Atlantis (all of those claims are just fabricated and made-up) or maybe they will get creative and throw in modern people like Bruce Lee, Gandhi, or the Dali Lama (also VERY POPULAR WITH English speaking Westerners)...

And, SURE, this talking point sounds SO BEAUTIFUL....... but, it's NOT TRUE

If you've ACTUALLY read, researched, and studied about them, even a little bit... and I mean not just looking it up in a blurb, it's LAUGHABLE ,or even SHAMEFUL, to say this, and even repeat it.


They're all pretty different... sure, there's probably similarities. But, their "teachings", and/or opinions, were different... and even written records & trace evidences of them all differ.
Then when it comes to "Buddha" there are actually SO MANY OF THEM. (I also lived in China several times, so I ought to know) there isn't just ONE guy, and even the original Buddhist teachings were NONTHEISTIC... it was just about being a person of moderation, and being kind.

If you go to far East Asia, they follow mostly the Amitabah Buddha. That's why they always say his name in China. (E-Mi-Tou-Fue meaning Amitabah Buddha) But, they also believe in the Tathāgata Buddha, and several others.... Like Milou Fue (the happy fat guy that's like a bald naked chested Santa Claus with lots of presents & treasure)

In fact, in Buddhism they believe anyone can become a Buddha.... and, from what I can tell, Siddhartha Gautama (or whatever name people in this age call him) came up with his ideas for starting Buddhism as a counter ideology for Hinduism & the Cast System, specifically karma, it kinda sounds like he didn't even believe in it. Yeah... no karma in Buddhism originally...
(also so many folks don't even understand what karma originally mean, just like they don't even know what the word sin, or abomination originally meant either)

I'm just pointing out the obvious here...

People who like to repeat this idea that "all religions teach the same thing" and mix it together with Oneness, and also self promote, and sell stuff, and/or promote their ideology are either very mislead & unwittingly brainwashed. They also NEVER READ ABOUT WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT, NEVER LEARNED ABOUT IT, AND HAVE NO CLUE WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT.

(Like "energy"... pick up a dictionary, the definition isn't what you "spiritual" people think it is...)
That's also called fraud, and dishonesty.... and, most of these people (including me) are guilty of this without even realizing it.

But, hey... maybe, it's because we're all human beings, and one way that babies learn is by imitation, and copping things... it's not all bad... but, it's funny to see babies & children do this. It comes natural to most... but, there's other ways of learning, and understanding things... Another way is by repetition familiarity, or by association... which can be misleading. We can learn by making mistakes (hopefully).

Maybe part of the reason is because the earlier ways the human brain can learn, like by mimicry, is a simple brain process, and I guess it just keeps running... all the time.

But, we can also be mindful, learn, research, check clues, facts, trends, cross reference, triangulate, verify, examine, test... those just take a little more time, and brain power, and awareness...

I've learned:
Just because somebody wrote something in a book, or speaks pretty words, or acts like they know what they are talking about doesn't actually mean they do.... and, if they don't like to be questioned about it, that's kind of a "tell" as they say in poker. Usually, they don't even think or realize the obvious...

-or, they say I'm "being negative" because I "think out of my left brain" (like that's some kind of insult).

*long pause for a moment to contemplate that a 'spiritual' or 'wise' person would call you a person that thinks from their left brain while unwittingly affirming that don't think out of their brain, and are in fact an idiot without even realizing it, ironically*

or, tell me I spend too much time being attached to third dimensional reality... 

...... so, u spend time disconnected from reality?

I wasn't gonna say that..... but......

*long pause to actually contemplate how they've just declared themselves as detached from reality and are serious about it* 

If you really LIKE or LOVE all of these things, like Buddhist figures, WHY DON'T YOU EVER READ their sutras, scriptures, or their histories? (Seriously, I've lost count of how many sutras I've read. There's countless.)


-unless, you just like the pretty talking points better.... 

But, if you did read-up, you also wouldn't repeat those things you think either....

(Honestly, I JUST read EVERYTHING in scriptures about Moses... I pity the guy. The scriptures paint him as some stupid sap, or chump, of a guy that gets tortured by God, often for God's sadistic pleasure & amusement that he goes mad frequently. Like a battered woman syndrome.)

I don't know what people have been telling you, or what Borders or Barns & Nobles new glossy book says.... or what ur groups or people around you say.... but, "blind faith" is like eyes full of flood lights at night time....
You can't see anything around you....

Just sayin'...

Saturday, December 27, 2014

2014 Examples of Permaculture


I like these, but they need some pragmattic design work.
You can actually design the garden to hide things from pests like deer & birds... the trick is to figure that out.

Monday, December 15, 2014

The Nonsense People OPENLY say to Defend Torture 01

The Nonsense People OPENLY say to Defend Torture 

This will be my first recorded outlet of the kinds of emptiheaded nonsense people spew out in public without even thinking, nor understanding what they are talking about.


There are these persons whom have been "friends" with me on social media, such as "Facebook". they're not actually my real friends, but most likely people that I played video games with, or people whom knew me via others/networking, or groups. Or, perverts that just want to 'be my friend" because I had photos of myself with cleavage & makeup on.

Often, they DON'T show their actual faces, nor even use their real names. They also only regurgitate talking points, often propaganda, that they sling around reactionarily without even thinking about what they're talking about, and are quick to make everything about sides (your side vs. my side) because they can't think in anything other than a dualistic black & white, and can;t distinguish between complex nuances in the "shades of gray".

If you disagree with whatever they've been conditioned to think, they accuse you of it attacking them by attacking you first and you replying, and questioning them.

They also don't understand what words like "liberal" and "conservative" actually mean, and sling words around dismissively, thinking they know what they're talking about.

Here's one  such person, today (December 15th, 2014) going by the name  
Kevin Metier.

I made some posts, logically stating how people whom are tortured are victims, and that creating a victim means someone committed a crime. victims are the result of a crime. It's also morally wrong. It's not any kind of NEW argument, it's been around for centuries, and many laws, such as Common Law, Magna Carta, and the US Constitution Bill of Rights, and even the Nuremberg trials are also NOT NEW.

But, this guy comes at me with this:

Oh, was somehow the use of a person falling from the towers is supposed to do what? make me feel guilty, or shut up, or nullify what I said?

Funny thing is it doesn't. I resent the use of this person's tragedy to be used, LIKE DICK CHENEY DID, to justify invading Iraq FOR PROFIT, and using repeated torture to get a phony "lead" since Iraq HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11. 

Not only that, but Cheney & bush DENIED that there was ANY torture going on FOR YEARS!
WHY???? Because it's A WAR CRIME.

So, when I responded to his impulsive, and thoughtless attack, he wrote this: 

This is the same guy that is often self righteous with religious  anything whenever it suits his whims...
And, by the way, I'm also ANTI-Feudalism, so this little 'princess' quip is just more nonsense he thinks might hurt my feelings... but, I actually UNDERSTAND what I talk about, or write about.

And, then he doubles down, admits he condones torture and evil.

Well..... I wonder what his boss might think....

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Dad's New Jersey Pig Roast Mid August 2014

Roasting A Pig

Here are some highlights from my Instagram:
(But scroll down for more in depth photos of the process)

We also had burgers, and many many other things, including 8 slow smoked racks of ribs.

Me waiting for my friends to show up.

Much of my hard work in setting up. The tables & chairs were all hand washed by me.

The Waters Slide:

The Process of Roasting a PIG:

Step One: GET A PIG. 
This pig was specially selected, free range, had a nice happy piggy life. My father knew the people, the company, and everything was arranged. The entire slaughter & butchering process was humanely done, clean, and above highest standard in NJ.

Step Two: 
Set the carcass somewhere wrapped up, and on ice so as to stop it from spoiling, attracting pests, bacteria, premature rot, prevent odor, maintain freshness.
Here's it's set in the bathtub, which was washed before hand, and also after it was removed.

Step THREE: Move the pig to the place to be roasted, and have it fit with a rotisserie shaft, and wrapped in chicken cage wire to keep the tender meat in place while roasting all night 7 all morning long. It will need to roast for about 12 hours or more.

This spray bottle has oils, and water, to help the pork skin, and meat maintain moisture, but also to crisp up and brown on the outside to help seal in the natural fluids & juices throughout the process.

Step FOUR: Roast the pig all night, slowly on low heat.

My father is an electrician/inventor, so he built & rigged all this equipment to specification all on his own.
(My mother says I take after my father... but, she learned to build stuff herself from him, and does similar things as well, but not at this scale necessarily, unless she is friends with welders... which could happen because she knows lots of blue-collars.)


After about 1-3 hours roasting:

By Morning and noon times the pig looks like this:

All that's left is to remove the roasted pig to cool down, guests arrive, and then finally start carving it up, then serve to guests.

Even after it's been set to cool down, it's several hundred degrees, and when I was served mine over an hour later it was steaming hot to the touch.

I was also drunk, which is why I have no move DSLR photos to show you...

If you would like to see more of the pig roast & the picnic you can check my album on Flickr, and my other blog posts:

* If you would like to read my blog post about the party decor it's found HERE.

* If you would like to read my blog about my little party spot at the picnic with my friends it's found HERE.

* If you want to see more of the Photography I shot in New Jersey you can keep checking my Photography Blog for August which is scheduled to update daily for the next few weeks. But, it is also scheduled to update throughout September as well. So, just keep checking the front page.

* I also have an album of much of the stuff I photographed in New Jersey on Flickr also (still being updated since I have quite a lot).