Showing posts with label facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label facebook. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Closet Racism & Full On Bigotry: Stupid Shit People on my FB Feed Mindlessly Post 002

Oh, they're BACK at it AGAIN!

This has the facts skewed. Typical staw-man.

Prejudiced against a group of people based JUST on their ethnic, regional, and religious background from a standpoint of blind fear, and hate.

Also, these idiots know NOTHING about what a refugee actually is.

Also, Syed Farook conveniently omitted. The dude was AMERICAN.

There's some speculation that the woman was possibly suffering from a medical condition known as postpartum depression. And YES, women have been known to go pyscho and kill people whom are afflicted with this condition.

The guy that posted this went mental when I tried to address the issue. I thought perhaps he'd unthinkingly made a mistake. So, I wrote to him  explaining that he shouldn't stoop so low as to fall for this sort of thing. Then, I explained why.  I handled it calmly, nicely, politely, and maturely.

What happened after that was him doubling down then changing the subject as tho' to misdirect and dodge the issue.

I still replied explaining the errors of his statements.

First of all Syrians and Saudis are nothing alike. They're nowhere near the same. and, this was obviously a divisive propagandist piece using fear and terror to promote bigotry and hatred. Refugees are victims of terrorist's not terrorists themselves. Its a VERY clear distinction.

The only reason you would somehow lop them together, which makes no sense to anyone else in the world, would be if you were an ignorant bigot that was xenophobic, Islamophobic, racist full of hate and prejudice and not actual facts.

Not only that but the graphic leaves out Farook whom was an American. It's a red herring.

On top of that he throws in these statements about the president which have no corrilation at all unless you were a racist.

Now, if you weren't a racist, you wouldn't have racists ideas, you wouldn't have racists opinions, and you wouldn't do, say, think, or promote racist things. Not only that, but if you WERE NOT a racist and u posted racists things and someone addressed the issue as a friend to question it, you would actually listen, and you would feel bad and sorry.

He still kept dodging the issue, or changing the subject, and claimed I didn;t know what I was talking about.

See... when you do that, I prove what I'm talking about. I had a valid argument & point and he didn't.

So, I refuted everything, gave the proof, made the case and showed him up.

I was still being light about it... and originally, I didn't even want to get involved with this until I saw the comment by another person on this post... So, I know what it's like to be the lone person speaking reason when it's unpopular.

Not only that but this guy had been harassing me since he went out of his way to find me on FB in 2012. At first he was more towards the left, but eventually he started veering right wing over time...

The ironic thing was this was a person I personally knew since high school. and, he was nothing like this then, and seemed smarter then, so it put me off that he would do things without thinking...

and YES, this is a white male. It seems that white males in the USA once they've hit the age of 30 seem to go to the dark side and become sexist, racist, and  its starts subtlety, and they're closet racists, until it bubbles up and they become full on. Some are STILL in denial, where as others start to own up to it.... weird that they never "see the light" and "change their ways".

So, once I called addressed it and I restated the points, and called him out on his inconsistency instead of firing back right away SINCE HE HAD NO VALID POINTS NOR ARGUMENTS AND WAS CLEARLY MAKING A FOOL OVER HIMSELF AND WOULDN'T ADMIT WRONG, SEE REASON, AND WAS INCREDIBLY NARROW MINDED ON THE ISSUE, HE STAYED QUIET BECAUSE HE WAS BUSTED... but, he would come back later and try to spin it another way.

Now, this is what annoys the shit out of me!

These idiots want to blame being called racists as "PC Police" and try to say people are too caught up in being politically correct.... then turns it because he wants people to be politically correct to HIM!

political correctness was an old-school conservative approach to counter what was called "the culture war" often to criticize how young people had long hair, used slang, or were too flamboyant and unrestrained like rock stars whom could be rude, or hippies whom had orgies. It was to keep unkept people out of running for office, or to discredit wild things.

 By the 1980s and into the 1990s when it really caught on, political correctness was just being respectful, polite, fair, and hearing different sides of points of view and treating all people and opinions with respect, unless they were out of bounds, then you address the issue and discuss it, and everyone comes to terms with it. The point was to reduce the effect of offending people. It was about fairness.

Well, this guy, whom couldn't care less about being fair to any issue, nor refugees based on prejudice and wild speculations out of cowardice and no facts at all, had the gall to tell me that I wasn't being fair to him, that he'd be fair to me, and tries to spin the whole thing like he was some victim, meanwhile he was BUSTED. He was victimizing Syrian Refugees, through the entire nation of Saudi Arabia under the bus, through the President under the bus based on whatever prejudice he mentally had, and promoted bigotry.

How fair is that to people you don't even know?

Oh, that's right! It isn't fair! It's prejudice!

U have the GALL to want people to treat YOU politically correct and be tolerant of YOUR hatred but u can't tolerate facts, or people different from u?

At this point, I realized he didn't give a shit about the facts, because he was so narrow minded in his hate and vitriol, as tho' somehow his view of himself was better than everyone.

So, I called him out on this.

Either u realize u did something by mistake, and your sorry, ergo you're not actually racist but you did something without thinking it through. Or, you're a closet racist.

So which are you?

He was silent still for a while,

But, then he got angry that I called him out on being a racist or a bigot.

He was angry about this.

So, again, I made the case.
You discriminated on people based on their nationality, race, religion, and prejudice.

Come-on! Ur busted! So, which is it?

U can't refute it when ur guilty.

They get SO ANGRY when you call them out on it.

He kept denying it, dodging it, changing the subject.

He wanted to spin it like it was about freedom of speech.

Well, that's an INTERESTING POINT!

Yes. You HAVE the right to FREE SPEECH! Including RACISM and HATE SPEECH. if you WANT to promote racism, and RACIST ideas, that's BECAUSE YOU ARE RACIST. So, you have that right to do that (altho' it's against FB's rules on FB) but if ur promoting racists propaganda then WHY are you upset about owning up to BEING a racist if you ARE ONE?

I told him he needed to "do some soul searching". I told him to let go of his hate and to really self evaluate.

He went quiet again....

Then, he tried to restate is AGAIN but instead of trying to wriggle out of the fact that he's being racists as "free speech" now he was like "well, it's my opinions, and if you don't like it, you can unfriend me."

So, once he did this, the kid gloves were OFF!

Honestly, at this point, I KNEW this guy was not only a Closet Racist, but a FULL ON RACIST & BIGOT, and STILL in DENIAL about it.


WHY would you have racists opinions if ur NOT a racist?

Do non-racists persons have racists opinions????


And, he STILL denied he was a racist after that.

This his little, ignorant lacky bitch suck-up came in to try and do some spin... this chcick CLEARLY had NO IDEA what the hell she was talking about!

So, I ripped into her.

That was SO EASY. TOO easy. What a moron!

She also tried to spin it like it was somehow claiming "free speech" and "opinion" somehow nullifies all racism from being racism...


Oh, here's THE MOST COMMON excuses people use to avoid admitting they're racist:

I'm not a racist because:

* I have black (or insert ethnic group here) friends
       (Really, why don't u make ur racists rants n posts SET TO PUBLIC? tag ur "black friends" right now, and let's see what THEY have to say about things you say) 
* I work with diverse people
      (Really? How about u MAKE THIS POST SET TO PUBLIC and tag ur coworkers and ur boss, and lets see what they think.)
* I fucked a person of a different ethnicity than me
* I get a boner when I look at Beyonce' (therefore I can say and do anything racists and I'm scot-free from ever actually being a racists so don't call me that)
* I have Michael Jackson albums (Therefore I can say racists stereotypes without thinking and use derogatory words and statements and it doesn't count as racism)
* I watch Westley Swipes and Will Smith movies (so whenever I say something racist it doesn't count)
* I eat international foods
* Ono of my relatives/ancestors is Native American or Latino (so somehow they can discriminate on anyone and it doesn't count)

Here's another common one to dodge it:

I'm not racist, BUT _______________ (then says something based on stereotypes, fears, prejudice, and is full on racist... however, they might try to either say it in a calm voice like that makes it better, or they're in a WILD LOUD RANT)

I was actually VERY CIVIL when i first started this, but HE started doing "name calling" and then accused me. I called him out on how he now had no moral high ground. But, by the time the gloves came off, I ripped into him, and his lil' bitch with full on snark.

Instead of going the way I had been going, I was incredibly sarcastic. Something he actually THOUGHT he was somehow good at... until I pulled out THE SNARK.

and, when he tried to leverage the relationship as something to use like a bargaining chip to never question anything, I realized I did NOT want to be friends with this person.

But, instead of ME being the one to make that move first, I wanted to see how much he would take. He kept saying he was done talking, or it was a waste of time... and would go quiet, but also adding in a whole bunch on nonsense.

So, when people SAY they're DONE and they won't say/type anymore, or that its a waste of time, I often go full on and refute it in full, because I figure they'll ignore it, but anyone else whom might see it could see the facts, and see how he was behaving.

But, they can;t help it! They read at least some of it, which makes them look even more bad.

I wanted to drive this jerk to either admit he was a racist, or to delete me, because he was too much of a punk ass coward little bitch. usually when people try to threaten ending a relationship its because they're afraid you will, or because they're too cowardly. Honestly, I wondered WHY he hadn't already deleted me because it dragged on for hours...

well, his little bitch put in her -2cents since she's got marbles missing also... she also called me a feminist like somehow that meant something to here, which had NOTHING to do with the topics, and clearly had no clue what a feminist was. This ignorant bint was like: oh just delete her.

So, I called her a hypocrite that defends racism and bigotry, even tho' she denied it and said she was standing up for his free speech and opinions... yeah free speech about racism & bigotry which no one is attacking but calling out ur denial of being a racist.

I don't WANT to be connected with racists. No thank you.

So, I ripped in.

They did the whole ad hominem which is typical of ignorant people whom have no valid argument so they attack you instead. Then they accuse you of being stupid, and not not what your talking about, even tho' you've demonstrated you actually know way more, make valid point and pose question that they won;t even answer.

So, I pinned him on that. Why don't u answer the question?
Just own up to it.

Then, finally, he deleted me.

Bye bitch!

I really don't need these types of persons connected to me. I TRY to talk sense to them. I'm reached out to them. And, I'm really good about it. But, they escalate this to madness!

At this point in my life. I'm just done with them.

I cannot be friends with people whom have the same ideas as the KKK, or Neo Nazis.
It reflects badly upon me.

I suggest you start to call them out as well.

I feel completely RELIEVED to have rid myself of this person....

During that exchange, this punk seemed to refer to himself as some kind of outspoken person. Funny how the internet gives people this false sense of being somehow larger than life, or brave.

His lil' lacky there was like this guy has been outspoken for a long time.

Honestly I knew this punk before she did. I went to HIGH SCHOOL with this punk.

We had the SAME Social Studies classes, the SAME English classes and read all the same novels together.

This punk was NO OUTSPOKEN ANYTHING. He was a mousy, quiet, little guy.

I was the bold person. I got bullied a lot but I always stayed true to myself and dressed how I wanted. This guy would run away from any sign of a conflict.

If this guy was SO BOLD and OUTSPOKEN, then how come I have NO MEMORY of it whatsoever?

That's right! 



I think at first he was a a coward to delete me sooner because he often trolled my FB wall.

This guy harassed me a lot the last 2 years.... much of it was subtle punk-ass, shady stuff... pushing that line. Which was probably WHY I put up with him.

He has his ass handed to him earlier this week when some of my friends refuted him while I was working.

Altho' some folks think he had some kind of mis-placed crush issues on me... I seriously doubt that. Let's NOT even go there. I'm kind old now....

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Closet Racism & Full On Bigotry: Stupid Shit People on my FB Feed Mindlessly Post

Closet Racism & Full On Bigotry: Stupid Shit People on my FB Feed Mindlessly Post 

How does someone post something like THIS, and still DENY they're a racist????

How do u NOT see how FLAMING RACIST this is?

You HATE Syrians.

You hate the president, and you want to take it out on them, and anyone that agrees with him, or in being a decent human being?

You want to take out your hatred of the president out on innocent refugees? 

It's friggin' mental!

Did you actually think this was clever?
Did you actually pat yourself on the head for this hideous, hateful, extremely racist graphic?

This one is REALLY jaw dropping! I saw this one, and I was FLOORED.

This is FULL ON flaming racist! It's not even subtle. It's EXTREME. This is also what my ex-friend deleted me over, because when I pointed out it was racist, she KNEW she was guilty.

But, instead of admitting it, she did a cowardly move, and bitched about being called a racist, but STILL deleted it ANYWAY.

If you share racist things, RACIST opinions, and agree with them, IT'S BECAUSE YOU ARE A RACIST.

How do you even look at yourself in the mirror after posting this and DENY what a hateful bigot you are?

And, THIS was the other one.

Not only did her husband also a friends I knew since WAY BACK, doubled down and posted this.

This one ALSO includes the dialogue we had.

The guy was SO SMUG about it, that he doubled down and had the gall to say that I was name calling, and ALSO didn't want to be called a Racist.

What closet racists always say: 'I have black friends" so that somehow is a free pass to say everything racist without ever admitting it.

Really? Why don;t u tag ur black friends, and see what they have to say about it?

Oh? You don't want to do that?

Huh... that's WEIRD, I wonder why u won;t do that...

SO, yet again, another lackey shows up spouting complete nonsense.

I'm NOT even making this stuff up.

<---<<< U can see it!

I edited NOTHING except blurred the culprits' names, and avatars.

This guy STILL thinks he's NOT a Racist.

This one is EVEN MORE BEYOND the pale.

This one apparently asserts some kind of racist stereotype joke.

Why would a person who wasn't a bigot post something like this?

Oh, that's right! If someone wasn't a racist, they would NEVER post something like this!

So, what kind of person would post something like this, then?

Oh, let me think... Gee, I wonder...

BTW, this man is white.

Then we have this one. This is another FLAMING RACIST meme that's PRO GENOCIDE.

It's a racist meme from Allen West.

So, Yes. I DO know whom Allen West is. he's a paid shill for the extremest right. (Sometimes referred to as an "Uncle Tom", which hearkens back to some black slave men whom were like like slave lords whom would oppress his own people because he wanted status or rewards or pay. yes, I'm aware that it's debatable whether it's an appropriate term or not, and is controversial.)

But, let's get this strait. If Allen West Says or does something racist, does that somehow nullify the racism of it?

No. It does not. The color of your skin has nothing to do, logically, with a point if the point is a bigoted, racist one.

To be clear. the Syrians are a DIFFERENT race than ALLEN WEST, a different culture, a different religion, and are a displaced group of a different nationality than that of Allen West. he is also likening THEM, ignorantly and not based on any facts but fear instead, to those whom terrorized them.

AND, it's using multi colored M&Ms.

Think about that.

Then, there was this chick. I honestly forgot how I'd even become friends with this person, but her stuff was all up in my feed....

I thought, maybe this chick was someone I maybe played FB games with several years back...

But, she started going way off the deep end today, and I couldn't make sense of whatever she wrote or shared all week...

Sometimes, she seemed somewhat leftist, and other times right wing... more and more, it was right winger... she also couldn't make up her mind whether she was pro or anti Tea Party.
(I think she has voices in her head kinda deal... :-/ because it reads that way in much of what she wrote on her FB profile)

Was it some kind of medical issue? Like a personality malfunction? If so, I hate to be harshly judgmental.

So, I went to her profile, to check to see who was on the "mutual friends" list. Apparently some of her "mutual friends" with me were crazed nut-jobs. (Sorry... maybe they were medical cases... I'm sorry)

But, then a many of them were "spiritual" types and "New Agers". You know, Joy-joy, have, love, peace, angels, crystals, and all that... (I used to be big time into that when I was in my teens & 20s.) So, I decided to check through more of her posts....

I just don't have the heart to even share those.... *long sigh*

She thinks somehow God is playing chess with everything, and she also worships Ted Cruz. She's out for blood over Trump, and she can't make up her mind on anything....

I dunno.... I feel bad... because to me, it just seemed like her mind was out to lunch... I really don;t want to be harshly judgmental, but I also felt it wasn't a good idea to keep this person as a FB "friend". So, since everyone is all delete-happy, or unfriend happy... I had to can her, and her other nutty friends... :(

It just wasn't working out....

I could SEE she had sane friends on her FB list, but only the nuts were talking to her.... Sorry... maybe I shouldn't call people nuts if they have a medical issue... but, they had to go. :(

 And, this is another one of those typical, insidiously made meme graphics that use typical propagandist tricks. They use this sort of idea to hide their racism & bigotry behind.

This stuff is also totally made up.

Not that there aren't misfortune veterans that are homeless, but the bills to help them won't pass.

This one isn't as brazen as others that strait up condone genocide.

But, I attempted to to have a conversation to rectify this and he, and about 5 other persons after denying they were racists, then told me they condoned genocide.

Genocide is RACISM. 
It's blind hatred.

There was also the whole Michael Moore thing... so, this article comes out about how he's offering up his home to refugees... Sounds great, right?

-but, it might actually be it's not even his own house, but his ex-wife's, and maybe all for show....

So, I don't know what to make of that... it was an odd conversation....

And, that's my screwy reality of my life right now.....

Friday, November 20, 2015

Stupid Shit People on my FB Feed Say: Xenophobia and Full On Racism & Fascism

Xenophobia and Full On Racism & Fascism
(Keep scrolling down)

Story of a Closet Racist (one of several coming out or on the fence)

If my last blog post wasn't alarming and disturbing enough, I think this one will take the taco.

So, I think this is the turning point.... mark this day November the 20th 2015 is the Day Most White Americans turned not only full on RACIST, but also became Pro Fascist Radicals.

What? you think I'm playin'? You think I'm kidding?
You think this is hyperbole?

Here's the deal, if you post and share things which are RACIST, because you AGREE with them, and you LIKE THEM, it's BECAUSE YOU ARE A RACIST.

So, as I start to watch my FB feed become this hideous cesspool of festering HATE of people whom I knew since I was very young, I became quuite concerned.

At first I thought (benefit of the doubt) maybe they're probably just misguided, being reactionary, and acting hysterical without realizing what they're doing....

But, it just became worse and worse... and even women.

So, i asked my friend, because I was concerned. I asked her if she was a racist now.  A simple question. because she posted something incredibly vile and extremely racist.

Then, I scrolled down and saw something else she posted EVEN MORE RACIST that that. they were BOTH full on racist. So, I asked her again: So, when did you become a racist?

I tried to reason with her that maybe she should know what she was doing, and think things through before that.... but, as the posts were flying, it was OBVIOUS she was turned. She was NOW a racist...

If she wasn't racists, wouldn't she just say: Whoops! I guess I got carried away... or, Oh, I hadn't realized that...

This SAME person LOVES to invoke God, country, and Jesus, and just had a baby.

Instead of replying to me, she (like a coward) writes a post about how she was "annoyed" at being called a Racist. Then, she said if people didn't like what she shared to unfriend her. Then at the VERY END, she slaps in a sentence about how "I apologize for the post".

So, which is it? Are you Sorry, in which case you're were being thoughtless and hadn't realized what you did, or are you ANNOYED about being called out for being racist?

So, I went over and asked her. So, which is it?
If you're sharing pro racism rhetoric, are you are aren't you a racist?

because for all I KNOW it COULD be a misunderstanding...

But, her lacky butt-kisser apologist friend comes over and starts spewing the same kind of thing defending her. And says if someone didn't like her opinion you couldn't call her a racist.


Because people whom are NOT RACIST never do this.

But, instead of having a mature, civil discussion, she not only unfriended me, she blocked me.

Why? Because you might ACTUALLY be a closet racist?
 If ur a racist, then own up to it. Because I need to know, and you ought to be up front, and not tip-toe around, because I don;t want to be associated with racists.

But, like a coward spaz, she blocked me.

So, after that her husband whom I've known since WAY BACK does this same cowardly thing, and posts a mindless apology/defence of her. So, I'm go over there and called it out. This time, I posted ALL of the proof to back it up at once. I've not heard a single reply.

Yes, today is THE DAY when I realized that people had been primed and brainwashed for a while, bit by bit, into Xenophobic blind, narrow minded hatred, and cultivated as closet racists for a while... and, this week was the week when it all came out.

Yesterday was a horrific day, because not only are people showing their TRUE COLORS of RACISM FULL ON NOW but also praising the deaths of innocent people.

I NEVER thought I'd LIVE to see such a day.

If you thought THAT was bad... it kept on going the entire day long, and the night, and this morning....

America has sunk into a new low.

Some Samples:

Let's start with this one. this is a popular one with Tea-baggers, gun-nuts, White Supremacists, xenophobes, racists. (Yes, I looked it up, I didn't just make it up.)

This is totally a made-up graphic. it is NOT TRUE AT ALL.

The ONLY reason you wouldn't think to CHECK would be if you're racist, bigoted, xenophobic, or Islamophobic and you LIKE this idea.

Well, it is not true AT ALL. LINK

Do you know how many times I've watched belly dance videos on YouTube from Japan by persons whom were Islamic? I lost count... You can also get Halal food in Japan of many varieties.

And, this marks yet another NEW LOW. Isolationism. Pro Isolationism...

You realized Nixon (A Republican went TO CHINA to undo THEIR Isolationism and open up their borders and markets, right? 

But, wait! It gets worse:

This was POPULAR THEME yesterday, no doubt dreamed up by Right Wing Think tanks.

So, since one group of people (whom you actually don;t care about at all) doesn't get something, you NEVER want to do ANY act of kindness ever again, unless it's in ur own special interests?

You know whom would understand what a civilian refugee's been through in a war, it ought to be a veteran...

There's just no getting around JUST how racist this TRULY IS.

It kinda looks more like a bunch of people going to a soccer stadium... But, what do I know?

Talk about False Equivalency!

NO, it's pretty heartless.... they're refugees after all...

And, yet again with the FALSE EQUIVALENCY.

And here it comes again:

 Wow. Did you think u were especially CLEVER in reusing this SAME false equivalency over and over again?

Did you post that all like:

Oh, I bet I showed them! 
Yeah! Justified my racism/xenophobia/Islamophobia! 

Did u want a medal or something? ur PROUD of being callus & cruel? Really?

Here's yet another False Equivalency:

See how they try to use your fears against you, to manipulate you? 

This is also SO STRAIT up RACIST. 

It's FLAMING racist. Full on. 

You realize this is terrorist type wording, right? 

WTF r u SO affraid of?

Muslims tend to be pretty harmless....

And then, there was THIS! It completely takes the taco! 

Strait up Pro Fascism! 

You think I'm making this up?

Have a look:

Completely radicalized, and blinded by hate, fear, prejudice.

If you DON'T know what Fascism is, I IMPLORE you to look it up RIGHT NOW. LINK

Not only that, but these person actually (after denying it it) strait up told me they thought I SHOULD become Islamaphobic, and I'd be better off.

People STRAIT up admitted they ENJOYED the deaths of their children. Including a marine.

So, this is what my life is like on FB.

If anyone HASN'T deleted, blocked, of banned me for speaking up for the right things. Once some folks came out as racists, directly or indirectly, I dumped them.

You'll never drag me down to your level deep in the cesspool....

I'm not a bigot like you, and I never will be.

This day JUST STARTED, too!

I've been up since 6:45 AM....


Edit: 2:55 PM

Well, it looks as tho' I'm NOT the only person experiencing this.

Some people, I guess, still DO EXIST that are STILL in touch with their humanity and are ALSO loosing friends left & right to this mindless propaganda of hate, racism, fear, prejudice, and Xenophobia.

I read this article and I was like: OMG! Me too!
I feel EXACTLY the same way! LINK

Stupid Mindless Shit People on my FB Feed Say: Xenophobic Irrational Mindless Prejudices

Stupid Mindless Shit People on my FB Feed Say: 
Xenophobic Irrational Mindless Prejudices

Ironically, terrorism and massacres happen quite a bit in my country, but people are becoming SO indifferent to it. I've lost count of how many mass shootings went down this year. I happen to recall things happening in Australia and Norway also, but I just can't even keep track mentally of when it happened... Sure, I could search it on google or other search engines, but it's really depressing enough as it is, and I don't have the physical, nor mental energy to do so... I can barely muster up enough to even type & publish this.

So, here we are... yet again.... a sample of the enormously stupid, ignorant, mindless things that persons whom I personally know/knew share, without thinking it through, on FB, based on hate, prejudice, xenophobia, racism,  or as some excuse to play God.

Here's one that's pro isolationism and clearly xenophobic. 
You realize this actually promotes terror and feeds it just by sharing this publicly, right?
No, they should know that, since I remember these persons from the previous century, but have been so prepped n groomed to be reactionary by fear-based propaganda.

"United we stand, divided we fall" right?
Well, this will definitely divide people. It's not like your trying to get together, like a mature, civil human being, talk things out, listen, find the root causes,, find the solutions, hear out the other sides...

Do you have ANY idea how STUPID this sounds? How stupid this looks? How stupid it makes YOU seem?

No, why would you?
You're just reacting mindlessly..... *face-palm*

 Ya can't even make this stuff up. As a young adult i NEVER thought I'd see the day that people would behave like this. And, I'm NOT talking about the terrorists. We had terrorism last century.... but, people didn't react to it in such an insane, mindless way, like this.

And, here's another one....


If the whole idea of Lady Liberty, a seemingly benevolent symbol of a character based on the artist's mother (is I recall correctly) isn't ridiculous enough to be depicted as waging war (yes, pro war imagery) the lil' blurb written here is even more over the top...

I kind of wonder what Gustave Eiffel would think of this.... 

As the whole event went down last night, i was the very first person in my ENTIRE FB feed to inform anyone about this. And, I was also very active early in the evening. 

So, it's not that I don;t, or didn't care. I actually felt shocked because almost the entire evening it seemed as tho' no one cared at all.... and were very nonchalant... 

It rubbed me very wrong... 

But, by 2AM I did start to see images and positive messages on Instagram, and not just twitter, because Twitter was a blaze with this stuff. But, FB wasn't.

However, this morning, everyone got on board with this, and all started to change their profile photos to red, white, and blue French stripes. 

Yet, what many people began to share was stupid shit like this. 

No one speaking against terrorism.
No one speaking up for peace.

It's not some random thing.

There was a motive behind this. Terrorists don't just do theses things for no reason. 

The West has been invading, bombing, robbing, and killing the east for decades now....

You don't ACTUALLY thinking they "just hate us 'cause they hate us" bull shit, do you? 

You don't ACTUALLY still believe that bullshit about how "they hate us for our freedoms" do you? 

And, you want us to make MORE WARS? 

How have any of these wars worked out so far? 

Oh, that's right! We're worse than ever! And, I'm willing to wager that THIS event is connected some wrong(s) we've done to them, causing these terrorists to go friggin' nuts, and retaliate. 

War doesn't SOLVE problems. and those "freedoms" you think you love will get smothered if you start becoming an isolationist, and lock ourselves in.

* Edit: And I thought THIS was bad.... wait until you see my next blog post...

Friday, April 3, 2015

The Kinds of Brainwashed Bigotry in My Daily Facebook Feed (Americans)

The Kinds of Brainwashed Bigotry in My Daily Facebook Feed (Americans)


It's the year 2015, and Facebook NOW is probably my least favorite social media venue out there.


because of just how BRAINWASHED and Psychotic people have become.

The SAME EXACT people whom I used to socialize with daily, that I knew since high school, childhood, college, or around that time. Generation X, and all that. people whom once self professed to being "spiritual not religious", and "open minded". The persons whom used to say "I'll never be like THOSE people!"

Remember back in 2008? "Hope" and "Change", or "Change You Can Believe In", all Obama supporters, Obama voters... and yeah, I get it, Obama broke his promises... But, the SAME people that were scared about GW Bush, and made fun of the John McCaine crazy base. Folks that watched The Daily Show, The Matrix, Fight Club, Saturday Night Live, and participated in social media movements like the precursors to 'Occupy Wall Street", and "The Arab Spring", whether Egypt, Iran, and several other protests, like Spain.

Back then, I was rather popular... and no, I'm not hurt because I'm on any sort of popularity withdrawal crash n burn... no, I've been in and out of online fame so many times, I couldn't care less.

It used to be the stupid senile folks in the baby boomer demographics that did the stupid stuff, about half of the time, but t some point they just got so suckered into the brainwashing. I could tell that facebook was filtering things before it came out.

This exact same "free" social media venue was once proudly a platform to organize, set things strait, inform, and mobilize people, or explain things.... now, it's just a tool to either brainwash or divide people.

Now, the folks in my generation are just as brainwashed. The young people also no longer come to facebook. Yes, that means I'm getting old.

My daily feed consists of racism, militant propaganda, pro violence, sexism, greed, snide indifference, and hate. Gone are the days when yuppies would show off their brand new brand name gadgets, or name brand high end purses and shoes, or stereo equipment.

No. Now people boast about who can be more racist, and show off their new guns. Plural.
People whom I'd once known to be smart, intelligent, level headed and open minded... now sucked into these made-up hyper religiosity, and pro war faux patriotism unquestioning.

They boast about how snide they are to berate the powerless, the homeless, the people on food stamps, and most especially those whom dis black folks, especially victims, yet are in total denial about being racist. They attract rape victims, not just woman now, but also male victims. They boast about how brutalizing children (corporal punishment) is just so great "and I turned out just fine" sort of come-backs. No, ya didn't turn out fine, you think it's OK to assault and batter a child, and you use the Bible to convince yourself its fine even tho' you actually never read the scriptures at all.

And you think that I AM THE CRAZY PERSON?

The same folks wriggle out of any sensible discussion, and act as tho' I'm somehow attacking them, when they avoid answering simple legit questions.... Gee.... I can't imagine why...

Every day is a reminder that not only am I an unloved person, but they also don't actually even love themselves... I've sat back and watched people loose their friggin' MINDS! Just, off their rockers! These were people I knew, loved, cared about...

-and sure, there were some folks that either deleted/unfriended me, or even those whom up and targeted me, every friggin' day with full on malice, just to see what I would do.... and after a year or more of that, sure, I had to give them the ax. (metaphorically, I mean)

Then, when people i knew were really down on their luck, life, existence, illness, grief, and more, who swoops in? The religious vultures... altho' in their mind, they don;t view themselves that way. They are "doing God's work" in their minds, just like they were brainwashed to do, and carry out. And, that was how it started.... so, these seemingly sweet, helpful religious folks, whom pray over you (and prey on you) of give you some food, and exploit people whom I loved repeating over and over their propagandist lines, like a move out of the playbook of Bolsheviks, and the Nicene Creed, they leverage the poor downtrodden person whom is helpless, weak, unsupported, and in deep need, and start to "convert" (brainwash) their victim.

Oh, look how good we have been to you. God has brought us to you. No one cares about you but us. and, the never ending barrage of the proselytizing solicitation.

Look, I'm partially Native American,so I KNOW how these tactics work. I had to write reports about this stuff in Middle School, and High School, as well.

Then, once you've been assimilated, your own uniqueness can become manipulated, your actions can be altered, shaped, changed, formed....

Not only that, but there's the religious fads as well... It is so fake, and persons whom I KNOW personally, and they are just faking. I gag, or choke when I see this stuff.

This has all happened slowly over time, bit by bit, and I started to notice it around 2011 and 2012.

By 2013 and 2014 it just became overwhelming. I recall just being so baffled at this all. HOW CAN THIS BE?

What, pray tell, has happened to EVERYONE?

Nice people were now villains. Bosses I once had looked up to and were responsible upstanding adults, and sensible were now like maniacs on this hegemony racist stint, and anti-intellectual.

I thought: Is this real? Is this actually happening?

Persons whom had once been very friendly and funny, now tagged me to pick fights with me. And, anything I would say that was a well made point or case meant nothing to them because why???? because I didn't have a PAYCHECK? I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP!

If I wasn't in a Union I could somehow NOT EVER BE CORRECT ABOUT ANYTHING about unions, even if, and WHEN, I showed proof... nope... And, when calling this out, they're like: "Huh?"

So, then, what was I supposed to do? Not have friends at all anymore?

I'm so incredibly lonely, you have no idea. and THAT is NOT healthy.

Nothing intelligent, altruistic, nor sensible thing I had to contribute was of any interest to anyone... just my cleavage... hence, I don't often show myself other than my head, if at all....

Well, 2015 is the mother-load of all out Prejudice and HATE.

Here's one I saw many times scrolling through my feed in mid-March.


This one equates the the needy to animals, by attacking the POWERLESS, and even has a NAZI-like eugenics flare at the end.

These were even shared by persons I knew in high school whom had the audacity to call themselves "pro-life".
If i went back in time and showed their teenaged self this, they wouldn't believe me that their future self would be so heartless, snide and racist.

Oh really? Got the evidence RIGHT HERE!
It gets worse I know folks whom shared these whom MANY TIMES benefited from social programs, tax payer funding, and social services...

It's strait of bigotry, hypocrisy, and ignorance.

Here's another one. 

This one just about crushed me. I lost track of how many of these I saw on my Facebook feed:

This one gets passed around with this snide, smug, prejudice.... you know, this was a money making scheme by a crooked Governor, right? I'm sure you SHOULD know, because I'd been sharing the articles about it FOR YEARS, and even got "LIKES" klicks on them by these SAME individuals...

This is yet another INCREDIBLY Racist one. Some people are MORONS, and some folks are just willfully malicious. This whole "Welfare Queen" myth came from Reagan in the 80s, and Clinton cracked down on so many trumped up phony issues making it so incredibly difficult just to get ANY social service.

Really, YOU earned my Food Stamps? Fuck you!
I ran my own businesses several times over, and I paid taxes you've never even heard of. I PAID MY TAXES, and you don't even know the difference between a subprime mortgage debacle and a derivative naked swap, a Depression VS. a Recession!

You're just punitively maniacal, vice driven, malicious bullies hiding behind a paycheck and status "symbols". You're now "just another brick in the wall".

Congratulations! NOT! 

Oh, and with THAT, I have one FINAL thing to say:

Back when the USA had a strong Middle Class, everyone took it for granted what wealth really was. The Middle Class was wealth, but people confused the money with the wealth.

When you have so much, you just GIVE, GIVE, GIVE, GIVE and it's like nothing, because you have so much. When I lived in China, people used to tell stories about how kind and GENEROUS Americans and "People From The West" were. Out currencies were worth more, and we had a higher standard of living.

Well, right now, the wealthiest nations with the wealthiest citizens are Islamic ones. Ever heard of Saudi Arabia? if you actually knew ANYTHING about Saudis, they generally don't work, and get paid government salary based on oil revenue. A big Welfare nation, just like many Islamic nations live. I'm personally fed up with Ismalaphobia, and Islamaphobic memes that people repeat over and over, because Saudis, in my own experience were very nice folks.

Well, how about this:

Oh, and guess what! 


Thursday, February 5, 2015

2015, Revenue, and Facebook

I noticed I had a few unfinished typed drafts to this blog, that I never got around to finish, and I can't even recall what I was writing about. Some, I had to delete, because I lost all the source materials, or have completely forgotten what my point was.
*le sigh*

As I have been mentioning on my other blogs, I have been totally rebuilding my blogs. I am actually much more satisfied with my programmer/scripting since I started doing this last month. I never thought I would EVER say, write, or even THINK that because I feel my programming skills are often stinky.

Well, I have expanded my ad revenue horizons, and increased my revenue stream potential(s). I have also ACTUALLY been approved to some blog directories now! YES! FOR REAL! Can you believe that????

 BTW: If you were reading this and wondering about how to expand your own blogging revenue affiliate opportunities (because I keep getting this question) Just klick this banner:


Also, something I've frequently mentions on my other blogs was how INSANE 2014 was.

Currently, I kind of HATE going onto Facebook. I feel like when I'm on there that I'm so uncomfortable. people have become so easily brainwashed, belligerent, insensitive and stuck in a bubble. I also get accosted with too much perverts. And, of the few people that still frequent facebook, they often flip-flop about what they mean, or which stance they are on... and, many are so shell-shocked from the craziness of life that they are often loosing their mind from rage, despair, etc. That, and also the fact that FB reads & monitors your private messages to sell ads to you, or to other third parties.

And, by selling you ads, it's not the same as the ads here. I mean they constantly "SELL" ideas, propaganda... BE THIS. DO THIS. BE LIKE THIS. JOIN THIS GROUP. YOU NEEEEED THIIIISSS THIIIIING!!! FEEL INADEQUATE!


The ads I do business with, whether by Google Adsense contracting, Amazon Affiliate contracting, and/or other affiliates contracting it's just an ad. Like a simple billboard, banner, poster... they're often like decorations. They're created hopeful to generate "impulse buys", or "impulse clicks". The ads I use are good, but they are not so overtly oppressive, even if I have several. They are at least tasteful, refined, and within reason. If you go to a Chinese website, like a Chinese message board, the ads are so IN YOUR FACE, they are distracting, they flash, make noises, interrupt you, annoy you. I HATE THOSE. But, then, when you go onto Facebook, there are all these ads, constantly that you don;t realize.... it's sneaky. They are on the side. they are by "organizations" posing as a group, or fanpage, when they are actually paid by some propogandist think tank... you might laugh or scoff at my pointing this out, and say: Kandice, i think your exagerating, or overdoing it...

Really? There's the little ones on the side, and they say subtle things... and use ideas, or words, or colors to help you to somewhat notice them.... words like "liberty", "freedom", or whatever issues, or interests you have.... then, other things start to sneak in... the stuff you hate. but, then, it's like those things start merging, and over a long time, you've become duped, or lulled into the things you hated.... without realizing it, you've been duped, or re-trained... or brainwashed.

Or, the tricky Dicks with the trick of making you think that ad ad to a petition about something your against, is actually a petition in favor of what you disagree with... but, you wouldn't know if you didn't read it, and just blindly and "faithfully" went along with it, thinking you were doing some good...

Then, your feed becomes a tool to grab ur attention, and remold the malliableness of your mind.

And, then you can no longer read, nor see the things which mattered to you before... not be connected to those you loved... and instead the feed is full of article after article from things you never even subscribed to... never liked.

And, the people whom you loved, you now need to go out of your way to keep up with....

Then, once their content finally starts to show in your feed, your realize that the propogandists have already gotten to them. *out of breath*

The sensible folks whom were very intelligent, common sense, educated, bright... now..... they are indoctrinated... Persons whom you PERSONALLY KNEW FOR YEARS, or over a DECADE. or grew up with, worked with, went to school or classes with... Things these same individuals said they would NEVER BE, NEVER BE LIKE, and NEVER EVER DO..... and NOW, they are totally consumed in the propaganda. totally brainwashed... and so much so, that they cannot even see it, and have a common sense discussion about it, will make you loose your friendships with everyone...

Persons whom claim they don't like rumors, conjecture, hear-say, gossip, or nonsense based without fact, actually HATE FACTS, but prefer cult-like "truths" instead, and engage in the spread of the propaganda as well. They have fallen for it all.  They are unwilling to analyze, evaluate, re-evaluate, and consider things for what they are, nor make sensible comparisons.

So..... that is why I am uncomfortable with Facebook these days...
The reasons I was originally on there, and also was incredibly popular from about 2007-2010 are just not there anymore... Once it seemed that FB could be used for good, like The Arab Spring, and Occupy, it seems as tho' that same ability to do so had been used to promote the opposition, which pays for it with money, unlike the former which was free and motivated by truth, liberties, human rights, and common sense.

I am tired of it...

Batman: Arkham Asylum

Anyways, I am actually becoming rather popular on Instagram again.  You can find me HERE.

I have also started some new blogs. Find all my blogs HERE.

My main twitter profile is @BlackUniGryphon but due to some pending funds issues, which have been stuck with quite a lot of perpetual delays, It's possible that it could temporarily be set to private or shut down for an unknown extended period for legal reasons potentially. The matter is such a liquid issue of flux, that I cannot predict the time-frame, much to my frustration.