Monday, August 5, 2013

Sarah's Mint Green Ren Faire Gown From The Labyrinth

Sarah's Mint Green Ren' Fair Gown from The Labyrinth

Give me the child. 
Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, I have fought my way here to the castle beyond the Goblin City to take back the child that you have stolen, for my will is as strong as yours, and my kingdom as great ... 
You have no power over me! 

 Of all the gorgeous costumes & gowns that cosplay makers create based on oodles of classic films or even animated movies, the 1 that baffles me the most about is the gown the the character Sarah wore at the beginning of the 1980s Jim Hensen Film "The Labyrinth". 

First of all... Why hasn't anyone ever done a replica of this gown??? EVER???

I've been using the internet since 1994, and since way back then I would search through gads of homepages of all kinds of things, but no one ever did this particular gown... how odd!

Everyone seems utterly obsessed with the goblin masquerade ball gown that took place in the crystal ball. But, after hundred of reinterpretations of that ball gown, why is this one so neglected?

Everyone does the gown from Ridley Scott's 1980s classic "Legend"!

So... what gives???

To start off with... -and I HATE to be the one to break it to ya...

...but... are you sitting down????

It's NOT a white gown.... not off white.... and NOT gray either...

Take a deep breath...


Yeah.... it's mint green.

For real.... MINT GREEN. 

Not only that... but, the dress is lined with pale yellow, and has double sleeves.

It seems like every so-called cosplay photo you find on either Deviant Art, or fandom hot spots on the net, IF they are reenacting the intro scene (WITH THE BOOK replica) it's a chick in some white gown...


and, coming from folks that go ultra detail galore... that's pretty sad...

Altho... I did see some dolls that got it right! :D

Sarah From Labyrinth View 2 by ~Arianne023 on deviantART

Sarah From Labyrinth by ~Arianne023 on deviantART

But, by now, even the fan art drawings are white or gray gowns...


So... um.... did you guys mix up the colors of the ball gown with the intro Ren Fair type gown, or something???

Cross Referencing The Gown 

Anyways, I'm guessing everyone is shying away from the gown, because no one is really writing much about it...

So, hopefully... if you're 1 of those folks looking to do a cosplay gown, or go to a Ren Faire, maybe you'll find this blog post...

To start off with... the story is about a character named Sarah, in the setting of in the 1980s, who's mother is passed away, and was some kind of great actress... (You can see the evidence of that in Sarah's bedroom.)

Those are context clues there, kids... ;)

So, one would speculate that the gown she's wearing might be her mother's (in the story context).

If you look at the gown, it really doesn't look anything like something you'd see ion the 1980s (I'd know I grew up in the 80s) and it looks more 1970s looking... it even looks old, and worn a bit...

(That's how you do some due diligence, kids...) So, logically, that would make sence, and fit in line with the time period, the plot, the characters, etc...

( By the way, the park where the opening scene was shot in in London called West Wycombe Park You can find a really great blog post of someone whom went out and found it here. Other locations from the film include New York State and England)

The Gown Construction

The gown has a zipper in the back, and it's form-fitting.

The seems appear to use some kind of advanced Chinese binding in the sewing.
(Now, I'm not an expert in sewing... but, you can look up binding if you don't know it... Google is your friend. But, this type of binding is different than anything I know how to do... I've seen this kind of sewing often in older vintage clothes from the 70s, 80s, 90s, but I generally never seen it now-a-days. I don't even know how to explain it because I don't even understand how it's done. The only thing I have to reference it from is Chinese binding sewing, like on a qipao. )

The torso portion of the gown reminds me of the more rare styles of qipao gowns/dresses that have a slit in the front, and don't use a side flap.

So, if you're looking for a reference on how to construct the gown, I think that might be a good start.

This was a good video for references on Qipao making:

The Sleeves: Mint Green & Yellow

There are 2 sleeves. There's a yellow sleeve that has a rounded pointed end past the wrist. Over that is the long flowing, billowing mint green sleeve, with the yellow inner lining. It also has golden pins the pin up the seem to reveal the inner lining.

 Definatly green!
The upper part of the sleeves where they meet the shoulder are decorated with either flowers or puffed fabric balloons, which are then woven or braided with some golden chords that dangle, front & back, with golden tear shaped beads or bells at the ends.

If you look closely in the film you can see that the golden chords really do wra, weave, or braids through those flower/balloon thingies on the shoulder. It's not just dangling golden strings there, hanging for no reason.

The Belt & Headdress

The belt appears to be a separate piece that is pinned on.
It's braided with what looks like the same materials as Sarah's floral circlet diadem head dress.

So, you can see a thicker more rougher textured chord, and some golden chord. Those are braided, then braided together, and sewn onto the belt.

The golden chord is also used on the shoulders, and the head dress, and the rougher chord is also used on the floral circlet diadem headdress.

Now, I'm not sure, but the floral shoulder thingies might also be the same materials as the flowers in the headdress also... 

And, some extra screen captures:

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Selling Used Panties Websites: Sham

I saw on the news tonight this whole thingy about selling your used panties.

But, as I looked into it, it just seemed like they didn't really do their research, and haven't tried it, and don't know anyone who does, and are basing their presentation of the news in their coverage based JUST on what the websites are marketing themselves as.

The top sites, come up and totally self aggrandize themselves and make it sounds as tho' selling your used panties is easy, and that "you can make real money". All the while with those same old tired advertizing tricks (and yeah I'm a student of advertizing since the 90s) of showing a hot model with a wad of cash. I can tell u that NO job I've EVER had through the internet has EVER paid out like that.

I did once have a business where I made big money doing charcoal & pastel portraits in the mall, and after a LONG December of being overworked, and exhausted, yeah, we had wads & stacks of cash... but, those days are long gone...

So, it sounded simple... like I said... U have ur old used panties, maybe u even have a photo, or tell some story, and some guy on the internet finds it interesting and u can sell ur panties... the most common theoretical thing people brought up in the news or on blogs (even tho' they had NEVER actually done it) was "Oh, an extra $10."

Honestly, can u even buy NEW panties at that price? So, if I have $40 panties, and sell them just because I wore them and it was somehow arousing to a man, that's some how "good money" or "extra money"?

No, it's not!

But, it's also NOT THAT SIMPLE!

Let me tell you, I'm a businessman... I've been selling things for years, online, in malls, conventions, and private sales... I've even sold discrete artistic nudes of myself in the past, or even been paid to model nude for artist sketching, or photography, or just webcam... artful, tasteful... 

-and, yeah, I've even given worn panties as gifts of favors to men, when I was younger.

But, these so-called top sites (Yeah! They're top sites, just go ahead, and ask them! I'm sure they'll tell you!) won;t even let you inspect their goods, their seller, their buyers, their communities, etc.

Like I said, I'm a businessman, I want to see WHO is selling, WHAT they are selling, WHO the top sales persons are. But, NO, you can't see that. No, you MUST pay just to LOOK at that.

So, is this a market, or is it just closet porn? 

Even E-bay doesn't do that! 

1 site I went to had 3 levels of membership... but, yet they swore that it was simple, easy, and you can make good money... Oh, really? where's the proof? Funny, 'cause I can;t see any... unless I pay you.

This whole idea that selling your panties for $10 is somehow a good marketing idea is obviously made by someone whom knowns nothing about business...

Now, since I just had surgery, I'm out of work, and I've been unemployed for a long time now. I'm on foostamps...

The idea of selling my used panties, at 1st, sounded appealing... I know how men are... even friendly types... men, like weird things like used panties from some woman... it's a guy thing... but, then again, people pay big dollars for used jersies from Basketball players, or clothing worn by athletes in major league games...

But, if just to LOOK at the entirety of the websites costs me money, I loose money right there, and if it costs $20 for a whole month, then if u sell ur panties at $10, you lost money right there... and, eventually, even if your panties are selling, your gonna run out of them. So, are you even making a profit to buy new ones?

Now, where the heck would that money even come from? My foodstamps? (like that couldn't even work... it wouldn't)

No, you WON'T make money! You will LOOSE money!

But, that's what sites like this are counting on: Your gullibility!

Honestly, if I were to sell my used panties, I'd sell them privately, NOT through a 3rd party as much as possible, person to person, directly.

I'm no longer going to be suckered by these charlatans ...
 But, hey, look... it's a free market...

I do have a bundle of panties I'm not using (that I have used) and yeah, I need moneys... so, if there is a gentleman interested in purchasing any of my panties to help out a woman suffering from surgical recovery all month, let me know privately, respectfully, and discretely.
I say "Gentleman" and that I DO NOT MEAN a rude, crude, perverted jerk that doesn't know how to address nor talk to a woman.

Altho', I'm sure, most likely no one at all will want to buy anything from me... but, whatever... 

Friday, May 17, 2013

My Medical Recovery Whoahs: Week #2

So, let's face it, I'm cranky, I'm in pain, I'm grouchy, I'm unhappy, I'm disgruntled. I don't exactly love life right now... I'm drugged-up, and there's several things I'd RATHER be doing.

1 is exercising, another would be getting a job, and also going outside, doing yoga, practicing dance... NONE of those things I can do right now...

My health is really poor... I'm also poor as in poverty... 

I can't even eat food...

So, my only outlet, when I'm awake, is to vent it on either FB, or twitter...

Fine, whatever... you think I'm pathetic... but, when ur in trouble, I'm not gonna be the one behind ur back mocking u.

Anyways, here's some excerpts from my FB statuses I posted today:

Another really crappy day. Humanity (in Boston) disappoints me. 

Yet another bad day.
This is starting to be like a daily theme with me, not 1 I want, nor am proud of.

I wish today went like this:

Today was the most lovely & wonderful day ever!
Perfect weather! I'm with the 1 true love soul mate love of my life, I won the lottery, I'm miracle cured of all illnesses, moving back to PA, starting my new life, and going to a spa tonight! Plus, I lost 50 lbs!


Let's see... did positive thinking, kind heart, and "good energy" work today?

Turns out it didn't...

*ques the music* Welcome to the unlucky nearly edge of the Twilight Zone... *bongos*

Are u not entertained?

No, seriously... I'm starting to think I'm just unlucky...
Not, only am I in pain, uncomfortable, and drugged up each, day, the consistency of it working isn't very regular...

Oh, and since I'm on the subject of bad luck, how bout I just shout this out turrets-like, since everyone already assumes I'm nuts-zoid?

OK, here goes:

      Impacted stools!

            Constipation sucks!

                    Hemorrhoids! Blood-bloody-bleeding!

(of course I denounce & reject myself if I'm friend w people whom r real diagnosed patients of turrets... not, make fun of u, tho'...) 

So.... today... how did that go?

Well, for starters... pain, pain, more swelling and pain....

So, since I tried on Wed to call in the prescription, which I coudln't think of since I was, of you know..... DRUGGED UP, when I was at the Doc's office on Tuesday, Li says he'd rather get it done on Wed... he hates, traffic... so do I...

So, I call Wed, then, they tell me to call on Thursday "to call it in" which confuses me, because I thought I had to go pick it up... Percosets we're talking about...

Mind, u I also have IBS, and, opiates make u constipated to start with... and, by then, I got impacted... (No, I'm not explaining what that means, if u can't figure it out... and, dealing w/that was VERY humiliating, no-thank you very much) I'm NOT being a jerk on the phone, I'm actually kinda slow, and I can;t hear especially well...

I frustrate easily tho'.

So, Thursday comes, and I honestly HATE calling them... I hate dealing with them... the main medical assistant named Rene is this chick with a Boston attitude that is often condescending, and interrupts me while I'm speaking, shows no sympathy nor empathy, often repeats the same long talking points over and, over, and says she'll answer my questions but never really listens to me. In the process of my answering her, or asking her for help, which by law she must do, she's not only in violation of my rights, disrespectful & rude, as I'm talking she starts to talk over me, interrupt, or cut me off, and as I'm still in the middle of talking, she has the nerve to say "Let me finish."

She says to me: Why did you call today, the doctor is in surgery all day?

So, then, WHY did you guys TELL ME to call "ON THURSDAY"?

Then, she says she'll call me back, and "call something in"...

The whole day, no return call, no nothing...

Don't they realize they just handed me a WHOLE LIST of my patients' rights & responsibilities?

It's Friday.

I call in this morning,

Same deal, the receptionist passes me to Rene the medical assistant, who acts like she has no idea what I'm talking about. I ask her Why she didn't call me back.

She says the doctor is busy. But, she'll call something in. We get to the pharmacist, but the pharmacist says that medical assistant is lying, because she doesn't have the license nor authority to call in oxycodones over the phone.

So, understandable so... I'm not only miserable to start with, I'm grouchy, irritable, etc.

I pick up the phone, cause Li tells me to call them. And, This time when the receptionist answers, I figure since she's the only person that's been nice, she's at least help me out. But, I said: Look: can you just help me? I'm tired of being talking down to in this condescending, dismissive way, with this Boston additive, and I've already called every day, and this is the LAST day this week I can get this prescription until Monday.

So, she puts me on hold, and tells me she's gonna put me on with Rene.

Finally Rene tells me she's going to "call it in" and asks AGAIN for the pharmacist address? WTF?

Then, she says she'll call me back...

So, by the time it's lunch time, she calls me and she says I have to go drive all the way there, pick up the prescription paper in person.

WTF? WHY didn't we do this ON WEDNESDAY???

So, Li finishes his lunch, and we go.

I feel terrible, I'm sure I look terrible.... I'm not exactly thrilled to see me, when I look at my own mirror....

I get there, and look, I'm COLD. The weather is erratic, and even when it's warm (which today wasn't exactly warm) I get chills, and I start coughing... plus, my nose is infected again... on the left side, with dark blood slowly oozing out.... So, I walk around covered in a blanket, shawls, thick scarves, etc.

I walk into the office, and this blond chick talking to the main receptionist turns her head to look at me, then walks away... I'm sick, & paranoid, so I'm thinking maybe it's me... but, then my rational mind tells me I'm probably just imagining it because I'm so aggravated with the dealing with my recovery and thus these folks... Ok... so, I just tell myself, I'm just imagining it... fine, shrug it off...

So, since, by now we're on first name terms it would seem, I tell the receptionist I need to pick-up my prescription from Rene, and ask if it's ready.

She hollers for Rene, and she says she'll go write it now...
then, the receptionist tell me (and Li) to have a seat & wait...

So, I sit there, and wait... the entire waiting room was empty... and it was an awkward feeling to me...

But, then, this odd silence hovers over... and after what feels like 2-3 min, the receptionist awkwardly closes the glass window... and they're acting what appears to be strange to me...

But, what do I know? I'm the drugged-up, disgruntled, patient? I'm probably just imagine it... right?

Another min passes and Rene comes to bring me my paper prescription, this time actually being nice to me. I'm acting nice to her, but inside my mind, my ego is wanting to bark at her... but, I put such immature foolishness aside...

So, Li & I get up and leave.

As we're exiting the door, Li says to me (in English) that he thinks those women were trash talking me behind the window.

So, am I NOT imagining this? 

This is the kind of stuff I utterly resented about my ex-co-workers at the bank. They would mock some of their customers, and several of them (the customers) knew about it, and would confront them to their face.

I can see why so many people, like my mother, whom is manic depression HATES dealing with the medical system... it's like an abusive helper. *reluctant sigh*

I think back to the 80s... and dealing with medical people wasn't like this ever.

This is supposed to be an office of a high amount of patient relations awards... Why is it that when things slip through the cracks, its poured on top of me?

Or... is this sort of thing just something that frequently occurs? Are the so desensitized to their own shenanigans?  (Or am I just jumping to conclusions?)

Dealing with this whole predicament on several levels has not been easy.

For one, I'm using pain medications on a daily basis, so YES, my thinking is not 100% clear throughout the day. I often space-out, or even pass-out. Either from pain, or from the drugs.

I'm also VERY dependent on others. I honestly HATE this.
I, personally, NEVER hold it against someone in need or in trouble when I help them, I NEVER act disgusted or frustrated with them, even if what I'm helping them with if stinky, disgusting, gross, unpleasant, embarrassing, humiliating, or revolting. I'm a human being, I have empathy, and respect, and I treat others, ESPECIALLY DIRECTLY, with dignity.

I hate being helpless, and powerless. Just like when I got raped.

And, when I speak-up, or ask for help, I hate to be made to feel like I'm whining, or just complaining for attention. I don't even like calling those people for help.
I don't like asking for help from anyone at all.

Ironic, because I'm the type of person that helps everyone, or people frequently need me to help them...

Even as I'm very sick right now, the past several days, people have come to me on twitter asking me for help with this or that thingy...


My Medical Recovery Whoahs: Week #1

Week #1

Last week, on Thursday, I had a triple surgery. I had a deviated septum, which had to be fixed. My sinuses git surgically "cleaned", and my tonsisl got removed.

My specialist doctor:

Peter S. Ambrus, MD, PC
A multi award wining physician.

The surgery took place at the Quincy Medical Center, and got delayed... On the paperwork they told me I could drink up to a certain amount of clear liquid the morning of surgery, so I had a quick, cup of hot water with a chamomile teabag that I barely even steeped, and no sugar. 

Plus, my paperwork had conflicting times that told me when to be in the Medical Center for Surgery.

1 paper said 10:45, another said 10:30, and I had a letter that said 10:35. I planned to be there by 10 AM.

But, they called me at 9AM, and asked me why I wasn't there. The papers didn't say that, and my pre-op visit didn't communicate that to me either. So much information thrown at me at once. I have a stack of papers...

I was told the delay would be 2 hours, but it was much longer.

After surgery, I was wheeled into a operation recovery room. Never saw the surgeon, because he left.

Then, different women (nurses) came to talk to me, all handing me something different.

In the papers I was handed a folded up bunch of papers, and in it were paper clipped 2 blue prescription papers. NOT 3.

I didn't know that I was supposed to have 3, plus, I was still on anesthesia. So, as the nurse suggested I go over the paper, I did, I noticed 1 of the papers told me to take augmenten, which is an antibiotic, yet in the paper clip there was NO such paper. I even tried to ask a nurse, but they acted is if clueless or I wasn't making any sense, but also told me that the doctor left and no one could write the prescription.

But, since I already had some augmenten for the infection I was already treating left, I figured, well maybe that's what he meant.

I even discussed this with my husband.

On Tuesday, I went to the Post-op visit and told this to the doctor. But, instead of apologizing, he spinned it back on me and blamed me for it saying that I must've misplaces the prescription, and it was MY fault, and he kept saying "Well, I wrote the prescription."

How is it my fault that I just got out of surgery, was on anesthesia when some nurses handed me papers, with 2 blue prescription papers paper-clipped onto the white papers, and NOT 3?
Explain to me how I MUST'VE logically misplaced them?

I looked, and looked, and I even asked.

At this point, I'm very very perplexed, and confused.
See, I'm on medications... so, I, of course, question myself...
But, from now on, I want to keep my spouse with me at all times, because I want to be sure it's not just me being paranoid... But, I just don;t feel like I'm getting treated as good as I could be..

I'm perplexed, because at times Dr. Ambrus can be very nice, and likable.

What do you think?

Am I being unreasonable?

Monday, April 29, 2013

A Philosophical Pondering: Integrity VS. Material Success; Fate & Destiny

U know what?
I had a thought...

What if the real purpose of my life (our lives) wasn't really to be "successful" in the sense that we think?
(usually when we say that, we mean career wise, "The American Dream", and materially)

Because when u think (even philosophically) about "fate" or "destiny", then that all seems like a sham, or a farce...

Maybe... just maybe... the real purpose in life wasn't that at all... because, really, what's the point? Even if you just get stuff, then what? More stuff? U're just going to pass away anyway... and then what?

Perhaps, what if it's really about is living life with integrity?
What if it's about REALLY being TRUE to yourself, WHO YOU REALLY ARE, Your Heart, Your Humanity, your actions about ur fellow human beings, the world you live in/on, what you contribute, help, speak-up/stand-up for, and what you leave behind... even if no one remembers ur name.

Because if that is what "fate" or "destiny" was for me, as a sort of "lesson" or "test", whether "spiritually" or philosophically, then I'm TOTALLY OKAY WITH THAT.

To TRY, but not JUST to try, but hopefully to LIVE (if not strive) for INTEGRITY is something I could live with. If THAT is destiny or fate for me, then OK. Not only can a I live with that, I could DIE happily with that.

No, seriously.

If I were on my deathbed, and this was my last day, I'd be fine with that. Because I think I really DID try. (because I've endured the aftermaths of so many that turned their backs on their humanity)  It's my regrets that I'm always trying to compensate or make up for.

I find the whole concept rather comforting, really.


Friday, April 19, 2013

Getting Free BitCoin UPDATED 04 28

* (Updated 04/28/2013)
Getting or Earning FREE BitCoin is REALLY EASY! (BTC, uBTC, or mBTC)

It's SOOOO easy that my 9-year-old daughter does it too!

(Beware, some FREE BitCoin sites are SO NSFW, R-Rated, or X-Rated, so be careful!)

* Fist you need to get a BitCoin/BTC wallet, and synch it!

That can take about 2-3 days, or longer if keep turning off your computer at night.

Tips: DO NOT download or use smartphone wallet apps! 
Waste of your time, and money!

Also, NEVER fully trust a website as your wallet. They could crash, or go under, or suddenly become as greedy as MF Global, and rob ur account. Since BTC isn't regulated, you could loose out!

I and my daughter use THIS wallet.

Install the wallet, it will start synching, and you will have to wait in line with all the blocks to synch. Try setting up your wallet to always open and stay in your tray (Windows users) so you don;t always have to go finding it and starting over manually.

After you get your wallet, if you want to buy BitCoin, you can. There's no shortage of places.

Many people like sites like:

* Mt. Gox
* BlockChain

But, surely, you are reading this because you would like some FREE BitCoin!

There are SOOOO many now, that I am finding it hard to keep up!

Try bookmarking this blog post, because I will surely be updating this as frequently as I can, because there's always new ones popping up!

The Best Free BitCoin Sites:

#1 BitVisitor 
#2 CoinVisitor
#3 CoinTube (Sometimes R-Rated)
#4 BitCoin4You (BEWARE: NSFW & X-Rated)
#5 Earn Free BitCoin 

Other Free BitCoin Sites:

* Can Has BitCoin
* Coin Ticket
* Coin Ad 
* BitHits
* Free Coins Hero Kaupp
* El BitCoins Gratis
* BitCoin4.Me
* BitCoin Tree
* FausetBTC 
* NetLookup
* Daily BitCoins
* BitCoin Dispenser

I will update this when I find more.

I've found so many that I am having trouble keeping track of them!

UPDATED 04 29 2013: Allegedly Where To Get Free LiteCoin

UPDATE: 4/29/2013

OK, these claims are ALL TOTALLY BUNK! 
So far I haven't received a SINGLE LiteCoin from any of these sites! DON'T Waste YOUR TIME!

Allegedly Where To Get Free LiteCoin...

According to some websites you can get LiteCoin for free...

I've been using these sites, which were recommended, but so far I haven;t gotten a single decimal.

But, here they are so far:

* LiteCoiner

* Can Has LiteCoin

I will update whether any of these actually pay-out, or not.

If someone would be so kind as to help me out with LiteCoin Pool mining, with an account and password that isn't already shut down, I would appreciate that.